Life seems so fragile,
humans so small.
When giving the world a smile
Seems like the greatest task of all.

In such a moment,
In such a time.
When life seems to run,
through our fingers like sand.
Let’s rejoice the little time we had,
and remember all the great and wonderful,
women and men who have,
or are about too fall.


If you want to read the first poem I did, you can read ‘As I Walk Through Life’


As I walk through life,
I have loved and been hurt.
I have burned bridges,
and sworn I would never return.
Only to forgive and let go.

As I walk through life,
I have found the ones,
who are dearest to me
and said goodbye,
to the friendships that didn’t stick.

As I walk through life,
I have shared tears and sorrows.
Pain and suffering.
I have learned that pain is relative
And not to be measured.

As I walk through life,
I have hated the image in the mirror,
Only to make peace with myself
And learned to love,
Despite faults and failures.

As I walk through life,
I have travelled the world
Only to discover,
that at home is the best
And the most beautiful of all.
