Every year my siblings and I celebrate my late fathers birthday by doing something special in the weekend before or after the date of his birthday and last year we decided to go to Madrid. Unfortunately, my brother couldn’t join my sister and I. However, thinking back on the trip with my sister, I am reminded of a lot of “hygge” as we say in Danish. Tons of girl talk, getting closer to one another, and bonding. All in all a fantastic time with my beautiful sister.
I was told by someone who was quit familiar with the city to just “get lost”, so we mostly did. Sometimes the best way to enjoy a different city is to just walk around and see what happens. Among the many experiences getting lost led to, a street market was my personal favourite. Sometimes the best jewellery is bought everywhere else but at home.
Madrid is in my opinion the master city in ‘dress up’. Every where we went, every where we looked, there was always someone dressed up as something or someone specific. We became friends with Mr Bean and Spongebob Squarepants (Personal favourite as he reminded me of a particularly, annoyingly awesome ringtone I once woke everyone up with in a dorm room). Also a rather hilarious version of a not so fit Spiderman ruled the streets with his rather funny looks and moves!
Madrid also has a lot of different art museums and other “must see’s”. We did go to see the palace (a little overpriced compared to what we actually experienced within the palace). A personal favourite was all the modern art we experienced at one of the many museums. It is always amazing to see what other artists can do with heels from shoes, plastic and frames. I am a sucker for these kinds of things and can spend hours in places like these.
All in all, we where quite lucky with the weather in Madrid. It was in March, and the temperature was warm enough to expose some skin and enjoyed the first beams of sun in the parks. Concluding, Madrid is a city I would enjoy travelling to again, but I must admit that there are several places I would love to experience before going here again. If you get the chance to experience Madrid, you should truly enjoy “getting lost”, art, tons of tapas and a good glass of wine! My sister and I did most of it, despite the fact that I was a bit difficult with my gluten-allergy and such when it came to food. Luckily my amazing sister where patient with me and we had an amazing time!