The last two weeks, I admit not being as active on the blog as I had hoped for. The high hopes I had before I went away to Atlanta, disappeared the minute I found myself in the airport. The excitement of going away from this grey rainy cloud called everyday life for a minute took over and I let myself lock up everything of importance into a tiny box and did not open it until a few days ago when being reunited with my own bed and pillow (most of all).

Now after returning this Tuesday, the feeling of the sun disappearing and the clouds reappearing over my head, – and the new energy I had recollected out there in the big amazing world has disappeared like snow in the sun – as we say in Denmark. I admit that the “depression” of not having a job has reappeared in my life, as I with frustration see all the people much more qualified than myself take all the jobs I really want. Anyway, I will go back into the ring and fight for what I dream of in this respect and keep up my blog and all the other amazing things I’ve got going in my life at the moment. Furthermore, this frustration does not help when having problems with mobile phones and a sudden blanket of snow decided to throw itself down in my head when I was having fun with my brother eating at 42Raw – a fortunate impulsive spark of the day.

At least, I know from todays visit at the dentist, that I have a relatively good mouth hygiene. Thank you – at least I know how to take good care of my teeth. Which I do in fear of having to have my teeth drilled. I hate having people touching my teeth’s already. No need to make it more nightmarish going to the dentist already is.

So all in all, coming back sucks. It really do. But I have a few blogs coming your way and this weekend I am going to try making “Fastelavns boller” in a glutenfree and milkfree version. Yay. So I guess life is not that depressing after all. I guess it all depends on holding on to the little things in life.

Over and out.
