The small basement based, yet warm and cozy café placed in Copenhagen N offers a great variety of different things to those of us who either eat vegan, vegetarian or glutenfree. Personally, I have been looking for a place where I could go and treat myself with cake that was glutenfree and milkfree. Kind of a demanding request – I know! Cake is often only glutenfree, because diary free cake isn’t the easiest thing to make if you aren’t used to it. But this Vegan/vegetarian place is definitely an exception. I have tried different cake’s and have not yet left the place disappointed. Often when they post a new glutenfree, diary free variation to a cake on instagram, I jump on my bike and race down there just in order to try it out.

The place is “hyggelig” as we say in Danish. I love it’s old fashion style in furniture and porcelain. How you can sit for hours just working, eating cake and drinking the. The staff is often friendly and always able to give different recommendations or answer any allergene question one may have. The café also have a possibility making some lunch menus glutenfree. But the cakes is most definitely worth a trip to the café.

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I’ve been trying to find the perfect glutenfree and milkfree recipe for scones. The ones on the picture, I was not satisfied with, but I think it had to do with the sirup I put in instead of sugar. Not a succes. Thus, today I present to you, my until so far best recipe for scones. Yay! They are perfect for the freezer, to take with you for that event where you don’t know whether or not the hosts have considered your specific diet. Or just for a rainy day, with a cup of the or coco and a good scone.

4,5 dl flour (I used 2 dl coco fiber flour and 2,5 dl buckwheat flour)
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla sugar
A pinch of salt.
80 gr butter (I used Becel, which is plant based butter).
2 eggs
2 dl soyamilk
3 tbsp sugar
Juice from a half lemon
100 gr chocolate.

Mix flour, baking powder, vanilla sugar, sugar and salt together. Add eggs, butter, lemon juice and the soyamilk to the mix and stir. Let it become a soft dough, chop the chocolate into smaller pieces and add that to the mixture. After it has been stirred into the dough. Then you divide the dough into smaller potions on a baking tray and put in a preheated oven (200 degrees). Mine where done after 10-20 minutes. And then you have until so far the best scones! Now, I admit that this recipe will change in the future. Because I have a ton of ideas for how to improve the taste! So stay tuned and remember

“the more you weigh, the harder you are to kidnap. Stay safe, eat cake!”.


Før jeg skiftede glutenholdige varer og mælkeprodukterne ud var den et hit. Lækker, blød og smushi. En af de nemmeste kager at kaste sammen og blandt andet derfor også min yndlings. Efter er den stadig et hit. Den er ikke ligefrem sund og kan laves både som bradepande eller muffins der kan fryses ned til den dag hvor man skal til en fest der ikke lige har taget hensyn eller ikke kunne overskue det glutenfrie og mælkefrie køkken – hvilket er HELT OK! 🙂

Jeg har omdannet en opskrift jeg har fundet på, som kan findes her.

2 æg
180 gr sukker
150 gr mel (jeg tager halvdelen som kokosfibermel (det smager skiiiiide godt!) og den anden halvdel som et hvilket som helst alternativ, evt mandelmel, boghvedemel eller andet glutenfrit alternativ.)
2 tsk bagepulver.
1 tsk vanillesukker.
1 tsk kanel.
2 spsk peanutbutter.
250 gr Æbler.
evt 3 tsk citronsaft.

Pisk æg og sukker sammen til en luftig masse. Vend peanutbutter, mel, bagepulver, kanel og vanillesukker i massen. Dejen hældes i en bradepande, springform eller muffinforme. Skræl æblerne, skær dem i tynde både og læg dem i dejen. Sørg for at de kommer HELT NED i bunden af muffinformene eller den form du har valgt. Der må gerne være masser af æble i, men smag og behag. Drys kanel og derefter sukker over kagen og bag dem i 20-30 min ved 200 grader i en almindelig ovn. Tjek lige om de skal have lidt mere i ovnen før de spises.

Resultat er lækre peanutbutter, kokos, smushi kage. Lækkert!
