Do you know that feeling? You look in your calendar, and a friend – one of those you have no problem calling to – just recently celebrated her birthday. In an instant, your stomach pinches and your brain is going 240 km/h to find out whether or not you called her and congratulated her. I did. I just forgot I did. Like when I forget that I remembered to turn out the stove, but forgot I did. #ManIHateMyBrainSometimes, #WhyIsItSomethingsJustQuetlySlipsOut?

Ok, I admit, Nothing exciting, funny or just amazing happened for me to make a cool and hilarious everyday tales blog. I’ve been busy. You know: Running, applying for jobs, going to seminars and courses, calling random people, volunteering at different things. But nothing out of the ordinary. Well I did eat what seemed like a kilo of bacon at the event I attended yesterday – that was the only thing they served that was glutenfree. Lucky, I LOVE bacon. Which my vegetarian friend was so friendly as to remind me and point out that I had been at the bacon trey for the forth time.. I admit that I sometimes roast bacon just to eat them like chips… #WellI<3 BaconIReallyDo #TheOnlyFoodThatDidn’tChangeAfterGoingGlutenfree, #SorryVegansorVegetariansIRespectYourLifestyleIReallyDo, #UneventfullifeAndStillIBlogAboutIt…

The embarrassment that went over me once I realised that in my recipes I’ve written diary free, instead of dairy free… I mean of course they are diary free. It is kind of like that Libresse commercial where the Danish lady says “stay fairless” when she should have said fearless… #dooooohh, #couldnthelplaughing, #potatopotato, #blameitonthedane!


Imens jeg sidder her foran min computer og prøver ihærdigt at overbevise mig selv om at lejligheden ikke på magisk vis gør sig selv rent og at vasketøjet ikke lige pludselig hænger på sin plads rent, baner duften af bacon sin vej ind gennem mit vindue, som en af de der gode pluto-tegnefilm. Det minder mig om, at det er fredag og at jeg skulle planlægge noget lækkert til aftensmad – med bacon og rødvin. For ærlig talt glæder jeg mig til at kunne nyde en ren lejlighed, et glas vin, lækker mad og at kunne se en god film – uden at tænke på de kommende ugers spændende nye ting. Jeg prøver ikke at blive for nervøs omkring næste uges praktik.

For i næste uge begynder jeg i en spændende virksomhedspraktik, som skal hjælpe mig med på et eller andet tidspunkt at få et job. Jeg er så spændt på det og er helt vild glad for at få muligheden. På samme tid er jeg vildt nervøs fordi det udfordrer min indre tryghedsnarkoman. For lang tid siden fandt jeg ud af, at for ikke at blive hende der damen med de mange kæledyr, som kun betrådte stier hun allerede havde mødt, blev jeg nødt til at konfrontere mit behov for at føle mig sikker ved kun at berøre ting, tage steder hen og gøre ting jeg kendte til. Det er noget der udfordrer mig dagligt, men jeg bliver også ved med at minde mig selv om alle de gange jeg er lykkedes og hvad det i sidste ende har givet mig.

Nå men, ihvertfald vil jeg bare ønske alle derude en rigtig god weekend!

While sitting here in front of my computer, trying to convince myself that the apartment doesn’t clean itself and the laundry doesn’t magically turn up clean the fragrance of bacon slowly catch my attention. I am reminded that today it’s friday and I should plan something special for dinner – with bacon and red wine. Cause honestly, I am looking forward to sit in a clean apartment, enjoy a glass of wine, eat delicious food and watch a movie trying not to get too nervous about next weeks internship.

Because next week I begin at an internship that will help my chances of eventually getting a job. I am so excited about getting the opportunity and on the same time nervous because it challenges my “addiction to feeling secure”. I found a long time ago, that in order to become more than just that lady with a lot of animals who only steps on path already encountered I had to challenge my need for feeling secure. It is still something that challenges me, but I keep reminding me of all the times I’ve succeeded and that keeps me going.

Anyway, I guess all I am saying to everyone out there – Have a splendid weekend and keep the challenges real.
