I admit to not being as consistent with the blogs as I first planned to be. And I apologise to the few readers that do visit my blog at this moment. I have had some interesting weeks learning and I admit to being without much energi when arriving home after work. I have been able to keep up my training though (I run three times a week) and I’m now able to run 10,5 km moving towards my 11 km next weekend. For this I am quite proud of myself. My Iphone are showing signs of exhaustion, as it tends to cut of power for my running app towards the end of my runs, when doing a long run. So I wonder if it would be easier with one of those runner-watches.. Luckily, it’s christmas soon and therefore also my birthday.

Now I am moving towards new adventures job-wise and I am both scared and excited about what’s in the future for me. I love to be able to do these internships that the Danish system have enabled for someone like me. As recently graduated, it is scares as to what type of work experience I have. Despite not being without that much, I still lack experience and these internships will help me with that. I love being able to move around and get to know new people in the field I would love to work within.

I feel like I did when I stood in the airport on my way out into the world for the first time without my parents. Only in a grown up-ish fashion, where I move towards employment!

