Jeg er en serie-junkie. Det er en indrømmelse jeg gerne foretager. Jeg er lige nu oppe på at have set / følge med i 29 serier. Mindst. For i min verden skal der virkelig ikke meget til, før jeg ser det. Giv mig håb om en fremtid, pir min nysgerrighed, et godt plot og en lovlig adgang til at se den, og jeg vil følge den som en hund efter en godbid. Normalt ville jeg også sige, at en rigtig god serie skal kunne give mig lyst til at se det hele på en gang. Men ikke denne gang. For mig er det en velsignelse i forklædning, for det har jeg faktisk ikke rigtig tid til.

‘Orphan Black’ er mit nye tidsfordrib. En serie hvor intet syntes at være umuligt. Det er ikke ligesom Game of Thrones, hvor man ikke kan regne med at nogen af de gode forbliver i live. GoT er ikke lige min kop the. Desuden bryder den med en af mine hovedregler for en god serie, men nok om det. Fokuser.

Serien følger Sarah Manning. En ung kvinde der kæmper for at få tilværelsen til at lykkes og hendes datter tilbage. Da hun i bogstaveligste forstand løber ind i muligheden for at skabe det liv for hende og hendes familie, hun altid har ønsket, skal der ikke meget til for hende ikke at gribe muligheden. Naivt tror hun det blot er et sidste lille trick, men identitetstyveriet skal vise sig at være det mindste af hendes problemer og det kommer kun til at være begyndelsen på det vildeste eventyr for Sarah, hendes familie og os.

Serien er helt eminent god. Den har drama, lidt forskelligt øjenguf – alt efter hvad man er til, og sjove, skæve karakterer spillet af den samme dygtige skuespiller: Tatiana Maslany. Tro mig. Hun er dygtig! Serien har et dybt, forstyrrende, action plaget plot med en blanding af historielinjer der kan synes helt ved siden af. Men det er det der gør den spændende. Den narko-, alkoholiske fodboldmor Alison. Den virkelig kloge Cosima. Sindsyge Rachel. Og min absolut yndlings: ukrainske Helena som bare gerne vil være sammen med sine sestras.

Se den. Den er god. Men hold en pause i ny og næ. For den kan være dyster og den rykker ved nogle vilde forestillingsevner af menneskets kunnen.


Jeg er meget stor fan af Netflix’s satsninger. Jeg var vild med OA, Stranger Things, 3% og Gilmore Girls. Alle fire serier som Netflix i forskellig grad har satset stort på. For nyligt er et par nye serier sprunget frem, og jeg har set, ihvertfald den ene af serierne: “13 Reasons Why” eller på dansk: “Døde piger lyver ikke”.

Umiddelbart kan den virke som en emo-selvmords fortælling, om en piges forsøg på at lange ud efter de mennesker der gjorde hende ondt. Specielt når man lader sig forudindtage af Netflix’s egen beskrivelse af første afsnit: “Mens der i skolen sørges over Hannah Bakers død, modtager hendes ven Clay en kasse med bånd. Båndene indeholder beskeder, hun optog, inden hun begik selvmord.”

Serien tager seerne igennem de forskellige følelser og smerter der er hos efterladte af en der har begået selvmord. Men plottet får et twist når hemmeligheder begynder at komme op til overfladen og afsløre andre teenagere og deres til tider nådesløse behandling af hende og hinanden. Båndene røber det svære teenage liv og hvordan uudviklede personligheder påvirkes, når det der absolut ikke må ske, sker.

Serien er præget af en undertone af sorg, smerte, og usikkerhed. Man følger, hvad der synes at være en underlæggende gode fyr, Clay’s rejse igennem båndende og Hannah Bakers egen fortælling om den sidste tid i hendes liv. Serien kan derfor virke svær, men er også fængende. Specielt eftersom tanken om Clay’s egen rolle i Hannah Bakers liv langsomt udfoldes og afslører en dybde i seriens budskab. Jeg selv blev fanget i seriens greb og nysgerrigheden om Clay’s rolle i serien blandt alle de onde teenagere der pludselig tårner sig omkring ham. Serien rammer stilistisk en underlig blanding af Pretty Little Liars, en god krimi og reklamerne om god behandling fra Call Me, når hemmeligheder kommer frem i lyset og påvirker deres ejermænds fremtidige færden blander sig med en underliggende tone om, at hvis blot vi alle passede bedre på hinanden, ville der fortsat have været flere liv i verdenen.

Sidenhen har jeg tænkt meget over, hvordan enhver handling kan påvirke ethvert menneske, uden at man selv ved det. Man får lyst til at være den person der spreder glæde og sikkerhed. Derudover har jeg simpelthen brug for at sige til alle i folkeskolen og gymnasiet, at livet bliver lettere når man er ude over ens usikre udvikling. Somme tider føles ens teenage-år som de absolut vigtigste og en af de mest signifikante formål i livet er at blive populær og forblive det. Det kan desværre tage én igennem en rejse fyldt med teenage-depression, usikkerhed, og det kan syntes som om en sort lyn-sky lægger sig over ens liv og kvæler en langsomt. Men for at kunne træde ud i voksenlivet, kræver livet nogle knubs, sår og buler. På et tidspunkt møder man lyset for enden af tunlen og voksenlivets varme stråler, når man træder væk fra sit tidligere teenageliv, erfaringer rigere og med større selvsikkerhed, velvidende at kun de mennesker der bliver ved med at holde fast i hierarkier muligvis er dem der mistede mest da voksenlivet bankede på døren.  Sådan var livet ihvertfald for mig. Ikke fordi der er nogle mennesker der i mit liv fortjener et bånd som i serien. Men fordi min usikkerhed på mig selv og mit liv, langt hen af vejen var med til at præge den usikkerhed der synes at lægge sig over mig som en tung, kvælende sky.

Men, under alle omstændigheder, er denne serie endnu en spændende satsning fra Netflix. Men pas på. Den kan være fangende og svær at komme væk fra, før man har set det hele.


So, I know this blog is going to channel my inner child – and that you might not find this very interesting. But, may I just say.. I LOVE this cartoon/animation-thingy. It is witty, it is funny, it is interesting. Actually, I cannot wait to see how on earth Netflix is going to follow up this first part of the TV-series. Because – apparently, it is a Netflix-original. Which, if I may say so, is a genius thing Netflix are doing there in general. It might be a HBO-rip off, but come on. They have made some pretty interesting risks. With 3% for instance.

“Trollhunters” follows the new, and first human, troll-master Jim in his challenge to overcome the new challenges – amongst other things fight insanely hugh trolls and monsters for a young fellah his age. The plot is very simple: boy falls in love and attempts to joggle between the normal teen life and the very grown up responsibility he suddenly has as a troll-master, who is supposed to protect the world.

At first, I found it strangely satisfactory. But, as the storyline moved forward and became more complex, I found it rather genius. I became addicted and just had to find out what on earth was going to happen. The series is constructed geniusly, with plots that will make you watch more. My favourite characters will be Tobbes and AAAAaaaaarghhhh (yes, that’s his name) – especially when they play the sushi-game! Oh, oh OH – and “not-enrique” the troll baby who can look like a human but in fact really is a troll!!! Oh, seriously. you just gotta watch it to understand the characters! (Oh the gifs one could make from this animation).

So, this will be my advice to you. Make some popcorns, find a blanket and start a series marathon – optionally you can bring your kids as well. But, ONLY an option.

You will not regret it. It is addictive, funny and amazingly sweet.


Are you a true Gilmore Girls fan and have yet the pleasure of revisiting the girls and Stars Hollow, this blog might contain spoilers that you do not want to know about. I do however not spoil anything near the whole #4WordPledge-thingy…  Or anything of the storyline for that matter. Don’t worry.. This review is entirely on my experience revisiting a world I have been to many times growing up! 

It has been long anticipated. The air have almost been thick of excitement and expectations have been sky high when talking to the true GG-fans. Myself included btw. I know all 7 seasons by heart and always found season 7 the WORST! The changes and the ending was not the Gilmore Girls series I knew from the beginning. The disappointment and anger have always filled me when reaching towards the end. I hated that Rory had a relationship with Logan for so long. I hated the entire ending. Sweet, but come on… Flat and tasteless. Nothing like the rest of the series.

What I love the most about Gilmore Girls, is the fact that I never had to sit at the edge of my seat to follow along. A thriller is exciting – but to a certain degree. Sometimes it is nice to just be able to sit back. Relax with a cup of something. Maybe knitting meanwhile watching and not having to see the entire season for my curiosity to be satisfied. Gilmore Girls always had that effect on me. I loved the fast speech. Loved to explore the different references the Girls made in the series. And how their entire conversations suddenly would make sense once knowing the different movies or books of which they where referring. I loved the different characters. How the show did not stand alone on how the Gilmore Girls acted, but characters as Kirk, The grandparents, Babett and the gossipers, Luke and Taylor’s fighting and so forth.

The new season is a pleasent re-visit to the streets I almost feel like having walked myself and a town I feel like knowing better than my own back pocket. After so many hours, months and years of frustration over the sudden end of the previous show, the season gives me a long comping closure. I don’t need to know more. I don’t need a revival of the new season. I think the series with this new season have gone full circle, which is more than fine by me. Now, the original season (seasons 1-6 in my account) have some kind of magic. A magic I always wondered whether they would be able to capture again in this new season. I feared that it was far fetched, but was glad when seeing that my fears was not at all met. The magic is still there, and despite the fast talks had lost a little of its speed and quick snappiness the original series had, it did not matter to me. I did miss Sookie, however, and found the storyline a bit weird and out of touch. But knowing that Melissa is a bussy woman I am willing to cut some slack on that account. Once Sookie did appear, I found her voice weirdly VERY different than how Sookie spoke in the original series? Am I the only one who noticed?

Anyway, back to the overall review. I honestly loved how the season took its time to sort of come around every character once connected to the whole Gilmore Girls world and tie the loose ends the original series so annoyingly had left open. I think the season has been beautifully wrapped, and it is definitely a season I will buy and watch as many times as the original series. I admit to have even shed a tear in the end and gasped chokingly once knowing what the whole #4pledgeword was referring to.

Despite it slowly finding its way into the snappy and fast forward moving pace the original series had, I will tell all Gilmore Girls fans that this is a season you really should see. The years have past and that does effect the outcome, but the magic is still there and for that true fans should watch it, live it, breath it and eventually come up for air in a new refreshed manner with a greater manner of closure.


Ok, so I had planned to review the newest season of Gilmore Girls, but as it is Christmas, I thought it was in the holiday spirit to share with you my all-time favourite movies / series that I consider Christmassy and traditional instead. My review of the GG girls will come, and has been on its way for some time, so don’t worry. Stay tuned till in 2 weeks time. Until so far, here is my Top 5 Christmas classics anno 2016.

5. Hollywood-Christmas-Cheesy-Movies: We all know them. The good guys always gets each other in the end and the theme is surrounding the holiday spirit. Sometimes it is the greediness and wanting more that needs to be delt with, other times it is lonelyness – but they always involve someone being rude to the one they initially end up fiercely kissing in the end. The Christmas Hollywood movies. I don’t watch them – but if one of these types of movies do not play in the background when my sister and I are hanging out in this month, something is wrong. I guess there something hollydayish by watching something you don’t have to spend braincells figuring out. But for me it is mostly the company I enjoy.

4. The “Home Alone” franchise: Christmas classic that always is on television in this time of year. Actually, I almost know the franchise of this movie by heart and get so tired of them already after having seen them. But they are traditional around this time of year. Sitting with the family wondering what on earth is going on in this family to have forgotten their child twice. Their learning curve seems steep, but to the great entertainment to us. It is nice, however, that this movie only comes around in december. Then you have an entire year to forget and enjoy during december next year.

3. Rise of the Guardians: If you are a tad slow, it probably haven’t caught you that I looooove cartoons! So, when I saw this last year, it immediately became a Christmas favourite. Every holiday season is represented in a sweet movie, reminding us all that we all have a part to play in life. If you have jet to see this movie, then do yourself a favour and see it. If you are just a little like me, you will love it. I especially love how Santa Clause is this russian fellow, the Easter bunny is an australlian-accent rabbit who do not like to be called a kangaroo and the tooth fairy is a canary-looking woman who have a weird, overly excitement about teeth especially if gum followed it.

2. Winnie The Pooh – Christmas Holiday: I have always been a sucker for the little pooh-bear and his friends. As a kid I found them funny – and I still do as an adult, just for different reasons. It is difficult to explain why. I guess, if you’ve seen the old versions of Winnie the Pooh and still can’t imagine anyone finding them funny, then you will never know why. But after having found the childish joy of spending time with Pooh and his friends, a specific Christmas movie have found its way to my dvd-player quite often. It has it all humour, love, sweat aorh-moments and the childish joy of Christmas.

1. Classic Christmas TV-calenders: This year there is 6 or so TV shows, and with a great ambition to follow at least 4 of them, I admit to have fallen behind on everyone of the series and even abandoned one of them in pure despite. We have a classic called “Pyrus”, a Christmas series about elfs living in a old record office and where weird things happens – usually Pyrus (elf) destroying Christmas unintentionally. On another channel Elf-Gang on Greenland or “Nissebanden på Grønland” are trying to help Santa safe Christmas. (Because in Denmark, Santa does not live on the North Pole – but in Greenland). These two series are a tad old, but classics that I really do enjoy watching. The last two I had intended to follow are a bit new, but one of them are too much like the series “Once Upon A Time” and therefore, it has found the difficulty to connect Christmas and disappearing into a fairytale world a bit difficult. Furthermore, when one compares between “Once Upon a Time” and this new one, I’d much rather see Once Upon a Time and avoid the teen-franchy that seems going on. Annoying!!! The other one is sweat, about how santa clause is coming to a convent and helps out some kids solving the mystery the convent holds. It is sweat and kind of scary sometimes, but I do fall behind because it honestly never really caught me. But Christmas TV-calenders are a must in this time of year, so on the list it shall be.


Now, before you start yelling at me that this is a Hunger Games replica, and you have already seen quite a few of these type of films / series. I find it necessary to begin this review by underlining the necessity to give this series a chance. In a world where series that goes worldvide are almost always in english, this tv-series is almost a “breath of fresh air”. It is in line with hunger Games, The Divergent Series and Maze Runner, questioning the elite society in a provocative manner.

The series follows a group of 20 year olds, especially a girl among them and how their demeanour changes and crackles throughout a series of challenges meant to value their individual worth. The series takes place in a futuristic setting where the world is separate between the few elite and the rest of the world population. The elite lives in a place that almost seems like an utopia out on the ocean, whereas the rest of the world population lives in the world as we know it. Every year, everyone who have turned 20 years will get one chance to prove themselves worthy to become a part of the utopian society out somewhere on the ocean. Whereas, only 3 % makes the cut every year. It is in this setting that we follow a 20 year old woman and her personal transformation in her fight to become a part of the elite – or is it really what she wants?

The series is mainly in Brazilian, but you quickly get used to it and it quickly turns on you. The low-budget settings is in my view almost not seen. But I love how the series is shot. Almost as if the camera follows the person and not in a Hollywood manner. I love the idea of the setting and how the series turns on you almost all the times. You can almost never trust your own instinct. What is the initiate point of origin, is not where you’ll end and the characters you side with in the beginning makes you question your own judgement in the end. As well as the one’s one would consider “evil”. The series made me question the terms of good and bad, and our entire moral codex. I mean everyone have the basis in something real. The idea that this is what’s best for the world. But what do you do, if what you see as the only truth starts crackling and suddenly it shows it’s ugly face? Well, I might get a little philosophical on you now, but that is what it does. Makes you think again. Question the reality as you see it.

The series is in one season and is viewable on Netflix. Go se it. It is true when they say that it is an underestimated masterpiece.


Have you ever dreamt that you were someone else, somewhere else? I know, I have. I’ve also heard about the man who imagined that he was king so many times that he believed it in the end and went insane. Why am I saying this? Well, this new series Westworld have taken this tendency we have to let our imaginations wonder about imagining our lifestory was different, pepped it up a bit and made a series out of it. What in our minds can be seemed as innocent, the series Westworld are making it dangerous.

Westworld is about a futuristic adventure park in which rich people can indulge themselves in outliving their inner fantasies. But, somethings going on with the programmed people in this world and somethings going on with the boss and inventor of the world. And it seems as if Westworld holds secrets no one knows about just yet. The series are build upon previous attempts of a movie and series, which is reinvented in this new version, toying with the idea of how human beings would act if they had the chance to let go of what social norms and society forced them to be – how they forced them to act. If morals and laws are left in the real world, and you enter this world lawless and without moral codes keeping everything in check. What would happen? How would you act? What is your true identity.

Additionally, the series have an amazing plot, with an amazing cast of people. The “bad-guy” who we still don’t know who is, played by Ed Harris. The unscrupulous, immoral, powerfull inventor of the world, played by Anthony Hopkins (who btw still gives me nightmares as Hannibal Lector) and many other amazing characters and actors actresses.

Personally, I have been quite bored by the series at the moment. With Pretty Little Liars ending, as with Bones. With Criminal Minds changing. It seems as if a good series was needed that made you just want to push play when one episode ended. This show had it for me. I am still incredibly curious about what happens next and it is a miracle I did not see the entire first season last night on HBO. I love the complexity of the show. I love how it just makes me want to see more, experience more. I love the cast. But then again I am a sucker for a good fantasy-story!

This series have left me like: GIVE ME MORE! And hopefully it will leave you like that as well. You can see the show on HBO where the entire first season are available.

PS I cannot be a blogger, with a Danish nationality without raising the Danish flag and mention Sidse Babett Knudsen, who are playing Theresa Cullen in Westworld but are also in Inferno at the moment.


SPOILER ALERT! I am probably, without knowing it going to reveal some pretty essential stuff on the Big Bang Theory, because that’s what I usually do. So, if you don’t want to know, don’t read along.

The Big Bang Theory is a personal favourite. The first couple of seasons made me laugh in extreme measures. A roomie of mine found me in my room laughing in the middle of the night … alone …

I love Sheldon’s complete lack of sympathy and empathy, and especially the first episodes of his relationship with Amy; to some extent the female version of Sheldon. I love how the other three brainiacs keeps being friends with intolerable Sheldon and Leonard’s hopeless and sometimes desperate crush on the girl next door.

The last couple of seasons have not reached the prime and magic of the first 5 seasons had, though. Marriage and so forth have made them all a bit dull and boring – or more specifically; normal. I find the Sheldon and the Amy transformation a bit boring. And the relationship between Leonard and unreachable Penny have made me yarn more than a couple of times. They all have at some point settled, which in one way is sweat and nice but when it comes to the entertaining part I am kinda bored.

Despite this, I still watch the show. Despite the boring twists, the show have become a part of life for me. Who doesn’t want to know what the future holds for all of them. All in all, it is a show one falls in love with and keeps watching to the very end – even though the hard, from the heart laughter rarely emerges these days.


Another one for the ever growing list of series to follow. 

Mr Robot er meget fremme for tiden. Den har været igennem Emmy’erne, blevet anbefalet i dvs medier og jeg har også modtaget en del personlige anbefalinger forskellige steder fra. Men ærlig talt var det ikke kærlighed ved første blik. Mere tvungen kendskab efter endnu en anbefaling fra en vens ven. Dog, som så mange andre serier jeg er faldet for, har den understreget vigtigheden af ikke at dømme en serie ved dets introducerende billede. Jeg troede, bare ved at se på billedet, at det handlede om en robot-menneskelignende gut’s vej igennem samfundet. Jeg blev træt bare ved tanken, for der har ærlig talt været mange film om lige præcis det emne. Mødet med denne serie blev derfor en overraskelse, da serien fik lov til at udfolde dets komplekse og interesserende plot og dets fængslende cast.

Serien handler om en gut, der på trods af sociale og psykiske problemer, forsøger at leve en så normal tilværelse som mulig. Hans utroligt skarpe intelligens og tendens til at bruge denne til at udpege bukkene fra fårene (så at sige), får ham i problemer, hvilket bliver hovedhistorien for denne serie. Han bliver en del af hacker-gruppen “fSociety” som forsøger at slå ned på den lille elite af mænd og kvinder der styrer verdensøkonomien.

Til trods for illustreringen af en rå tilværelse på stoffer og i kanten af samfundet, har den overraskende få nøgenscener, hvilket på mig virker som et team der fuldt ud tror på plottet og historien af serien. – Et kæmpe plus i min bog for det alene. Derudover er jeg fængslet af plottet og castet af skuespillere. Plottet får mig til hele tiden at tvivle på om alle de mennesker hovedpersonen lige pludselig er omringet af foregår udelukkende i hovedpersonens skizofrene hoved eller om det er den sande verden han befinder sig i. Denne serie har potentiale for de helt store plot-twist, og jeg bliver slemt skuffet, hvis den ikke udnytter dette potentiale for fremtiden.

Indtil videre, ved første indtryk får serien 5 ud af 6 robotter fra mig: For 100 procent satsning på plottet, dets cast og måden hvorpå de fremviser historien.


Honestly, not love at first sight. More a forced intervention after a recommendation from a friends friend. However, this TV-show have proven to me once again that you should really not judge a TV-series by it’s introduction pictures. I thought this series was about some dude being a robot and finding his way in the world. I got tired by just thinking about it, because honestly, there has been too many films about this subject. Thus, the encounter surprised me greatly with a complex and interesting plot, and an intriguing cast. It is definitely going on my ever growing list of series to follow.

The series is about the main character, who is socially troubled, however, amazingly intelligent and how he is trying to live and how to exists in a world with extroverts with amazing social skills. He encounters a group of people called “fSociety” and becomes a part of their plans to hack the leaders of the world economy.

Despite its rough nature and characteristics of troubled existence, it does not find it necessary to image a lot of nudity. A major plus in my book. Furthermore, I am highly intrigued by the plot and it makes me wonder throughout the entire show – what parts of the series will eventually be revealed as figures of his (the main characters) imagination. This show has the possibility for a major plot-twist and I am looking forward to see it happening. Honestly, that is also the minus. Because if it eventually does not reveal some sort of plot twist – I will be disappointed and it will possibly be the end of my enthusiasm for the series.

This show gets – until so far – 5 out of 6 stars: For its plot, its cast and the way they display the story.


At this moment on Sidereel, I follow 21 series. So, I guess it’s safe to say that I looove series and this time I will review BBC’s series The Musketeers.

It is the same classic story almost a hundred of movies have, more or less successfully tried to capture. The four cocky gentlemen that makes dangerously beautiful sword fighting seem so easy and careless. The very reason that so many movies have tried to capture this story before this series, made me avoid the show completely for quite some time. However, a boring afternoon, where all the usual series didn’t seem to amuse me, I did try it, and two seasons after I am still hooked.

the first season was amazingly caching and I came to like the characters a lot. I am a hugh Peter Capaldi fan and seeing him being a character you come to despise and hate, reveals his major talent beyond that of playing Doctor Who. The second season almost gave me an ulcer. Oh, how I love and hate those stories that makes you want to use all night to watch all ten episode to know if the ongoing hopelessness will turn in favour of the good guys. And I admit, I did watch the finale episode after watching only the first two episodes. The bad guy in the second season was so convincingly bad, that I, in order to stay sane, needed some hope to hang on to. All in all a good show.

However, to some point I do wonder how it came to be that I wooded for the guys who was committing adultery and kills of characters just in order to make an impossible relationship possible. It is just fiction, but after two season I think it will be a necessary break for my nerves and my moral values.

All in all I will give the show 4,5 star. It is really good, but not the show I would race home to see. It do become monotonous, which I guess is just a sign of me having watched the show too quickly. But, I do highly recommend the show.

The two first seasons are on Netflix and episodes from the third season are already on aired in Canada.
