Jeg er alene. Faktisk er jeg efterhånden vandt til det, og jeg nyder friheden ved ikke at have en partner. På sigt ville det da være rart, hvis der var en der dumpede forbi. Men lige nu er jeg alene og jeg nyder det. Jeg nyder ikke at skulle holdes til ansvar for de skridt jeg tager og de stillinger jeg søger. Jeg nyder ikke at skulle have alle valg jeg tager til at passe i en større enhed. Jeg nyder bare at kunne pakke kufferten og rejse, hvorhen jeg har lyst til.

Men når jeg, som den sidste uges tid og i weekenden, oplever at blive fyldt op med selvtillid og kærlighed i interaktionen med mine gode venner, husker jeg, hvad det er jeg går glip af. I tirsdags dukkede en veninde jeg ikke har set i levende live op ved min bopæl og vi brugte meget tid på at catche op, hænge ud og få vendt de store verdensproblemer (crushes, drikke kaffe, selvværd osv). Da jeg stod på hovedbanegården og vinkede farvel til hendes tog, følte jeg en dyb velbehag, man kun får i den der gensidigt respekterende venskabelige interaktion der emmer af, at man bare holder meget af hinanden. Jeg følte mig elsket, accepteret, respekteret og “opløftet”. Opløftet i den forstand at jeg havde mod på livet. Mod på udfordringerne.

I weekenden oplevede jeg en anden side, jeg elsker ved de mennesker, jeg har omkring mig. Det der venskab, hvor man bare går ind af døren, bare går i skabene og hænger ud.

Det gode venskab er blandt andet det, hvor man ikke spørger om lov. Men bare går ud og tænder elkedlen, imens ens veninde ligger i sit soveværelse og har intro-tid, imens man selv crasher på hendes sofa og ser James Bond film.

Sådan nogle venskaber har jeg et par stykker af! Og nøj, hvor er det himmelsk at kunne dele liv, men også bare hænge ud sammen og hver for sig. Og det er de små ting der gør det. Glæden ved at catche up. Det at føle sig elsket når ens venne-par til en barnedåb har købt lækker kage til én som man kan tåle. Når man får en buket-blomster, eller en tanke over sms fra en ven. Når ens veninde tør pege på ting i ens liv og udfordre en til at gøre noget ved det.

Jeg har valgt at omringe mig med mennesker, der udfordrer, accepterer og omfavner. Mennesker der hver især inspirerer mig til at blive et bedre menneske. Jeg føler mig så heldig at have så mange fantastiske mennesker i livet. Når jeg ser ud på vores samfund i dag, kan konkurrence-genet om at blive den bedste, jalousi og individualisme godt tage overhånd. Det dræner mig for livskræft at skulle sælge mig selv, se bedst ud og den jalousi der opstår, når jeg ikke får det bedste. Så er det fantastisk at kunne tage over til ens venner, trække stikket ud og føle sig elsket.

Så, halleluja for single-livet og så må vi se hvad fremtiden bringer.


My sixth sense made me aware, that I had done something wrong. Something I was not supposed to have done. But still. Dead silence. No one said anything. No one explained the confusion or the weird looks being exchanged. No one made a gesture to suggest another solution. I couldn’t as I did not know what was going on. I had to philosophies and analyse into a reason for the whole situation, from the looks exchanged during the event and the quite whispers being frantically exchanged afterwards.

As a kid I grew up with a father that had a mantra. Actually, he had several: “Always go bankrupted in first class”. Or “Just do it. It takes 2 minutes” (about the dishes). But in this case I remember him telling me one thing: “Kat. I don’t know and cannot ever come to know what is going on or what you are thinking unless you tell me.” And that is how, despite growing up in a home where the household mostly consistent of women, we had a male-like tendency in my family to just say things as they were. My father knew when I had my period, because I was, and still is, strangely weird during those times. Or, whenever I was sad. Lonely. Angry. In love. Whatever feeling I struggled with, my father knew.

We women have a weird tendency to just leave things unspoken in some kind of false idea that it might hurt someone to say it out loud. And, while this huge pink elefant just keeps flying around in the room for everyone to notice, even the one’s we’re trying not to hurt, all this tension could’ve been avoided by just saying things straight up and being honest.

And while invisible elefants were blown up to the size of Mount Everest in the minds of everyone affected, one could’ve chosen to just say things as they were and be adult about it. I am strong and independent enough to take it. But I know it is not meant like that. We sometimes tend to deal with things in a certain way in order to ensure less people are being hurt. And in some situations, I believe it is the right thing to do. From personal experience, I sometimes need the time to think for a moment and force myself to either admit I have a problem with something, or it is entirely in my head. Sometimes, all I personally need peace in order to come to grips with all the thoughts and feelings that sometimes overwhelms me. And that’s ok. Not everything needs to be said in the moment it happens. But in most situations, the best you can do is just say whatever is going on – because one might get surprised about how little it might matter anyway.

“A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity”, Dalai Lama.


Previously, going on an adventure was the same as going out travelling. And, while I loooove travelling, the true adventure I find to be life.

This hasn’t always been so. Once, struck by a mild depression I developed a tendency to only go out of my front door, if I knew what lie ahead of me. That meant I did not go anywhere I did not know where was. Because of this, I became more and more depressed until I broke the circle and stepped out of the door despite not knowing what the day brought. This particular day, I went to my first ever festival with a good friend.

Since, I’ve always loved challenging myself. Going where I hadn’t been, doing something I never thought I could. Once, I could not imagine myself finishing my Master’s and now I’m unemployed with a Master’s Degree. I could not going to seminars and conferences alone, now that is the way I network and get in touch with people who can help me find a job.

When I moved to Copenhagen and left my world and life in Aarhus behind, it was yet another adventure to embark upon. Building up a new network. Meet new people. New church. It has not all been peachy and (glutenfree and dairy free) strawberry pies. But if there is not doubt or that aching feeling in my stomach, it is not a true adventure.

To me, an adventure is not travelling only. Adventures is when I have to overcome myself, go down a road and do something I never thought I could.

Today, one of my new adventure is to find employment. A long, and sometimes frustrating, road is ahead of me before I can find a job. But until then I find adventures in the smallest things. Voluntary job. Training towards a half-marathon. Reading 100 books in a year. I guess I find life boring without a challenge to fiddle with.


“One is Danish first, and then you can be whatever you want”, said a Danish politician, at a conference held in Vartov some weeks ago. That statement stayed with me. The thing is, I never considered myself Danish first. Of course, I consider myself Danish. Just not firstly. A rapid, alert and bright answer from another member at the panel debate followed, “I consider myself human first…” and the crowed laughed. To me being human is not a religiously neutral way of life. Me considering myself human, means that I consider myself created in God’s image. Thus, I guess I consider myself Christian first. Followed thereafter by nationality, culture and so forth. So where lies the problem really?

The problem lies with the fear of religion. The fear of people believing in something so much, they are willing to put their believe-system before anything else. And now, dear reader you probably turn your attention towards Muslims and Islam. Because in Western societies, that is the religion we fear. We fear the consequences of allowing a minority in our societies to believe. We fear what the parallel societies may do to our culture. But despite the fact that Christian believers may not be as many considering the size of the Danish population for instance, we are a big group. And we too, in some sense make parallel societies. We sometimes speak “a different language” despite doing it in Danish. What I am trying to make you – reader – understand is the clash between two worlds. The Danish politicians talk about parallel societies, poor integration into Danish society and then they point their fingers discreetly towards other religious groups. Truth is, considering what I experience to be the norm amongst “common Danes” I might also be poorly integrated. I speak Danish, I know the history, I understand the culture. I just choose not to akt like everyone else and sometimes speak differently. Because I believe in something bigger than culture and language.

I have a lot of friends who accepts me for who I am, and most of them have never really told me how I am supposed to act. But, sometimes. Every now and again I see the ugly face of Religion-Fear. It creeps into people who don’t know me and hears of my very religious behaviour without knowing me.

I experience that I “muzzle” myself, so to speak. There are certain things I do not touch upon when I am with people who does not know me as well. Certain ways of saying things that I refrain from whenever I am with people who wouldn’t understand.

And, that is when I feel it. Society does not want me to be myself. At the utmost, I shall be what the norm dictates. Sit back and listen to what the atheist say – without defending myself. In fear of what religion could do to our society, I fear that we have created our own sense of freedom of speech. A freedom where you can say certain things – while others will be frowned upon. Luckily, I don’t care. I know my freedom in a country as Denmark, and I will be loyal to the society which have given me so much. But if the same society keeps pushing me over the edge. Keeps pointing fingers at me while saying I am not allowed to be me, I’m not sure that loyalty will stick. In my life I have made an honest attempt as not to tell others how they should live their lifes, but this does not go the other way around. I often have an experience of people telling me how I should live, muzzling me. The thing is, that we in Denmark are raised to believe that we can go in whatever way we want – as long as it does not interfere or disrupt in other peoples life-paths in a terrorising and destructive way. So, of course the result will be a population with different sets of believes and ways of thinking. A multi-culturality we cannot ignore.

Of course new things, worldviews and so forth are frightening. Once upon a time men believed that women was only to their pleasure and it was dangerous to let them vote – look at us now. Right now, in the US there are miners who are afraid of what will happen if their jobs are no longer. Afraid of the new path and clutching on to something they already know, in fear of the day they have to face new possibilities. I don’t know their situation exactly, but their situation made me think about us today. In Denmark. Maybe the fear of the unknown are overshadowing the many good possibilities in allowing different cultures to thrive. Sometimes the best step to take – is that step into the unknown. Maybe its time to start opening up to get to know each others instead of fearing each others. Maybe its time to stop fearing religion and start fearing the actual enemy of our society: the naive idea that just because I am not Dane first, and confide in a religion I am an enemy to our society.


It had already been a productive day. Job-applications had been sent. Important mails had been answered. Job-log was up-to-date. Clothes was washed and hang to dry or was yet to be folded. I had been out running this morning. And then, I was sitting in my couch surrounded by clean clothes, ready to begin reading my professional relevant reading material. I mean – just because I am unemployed (and really, really want a job), it doesn’t mean that learning have to stop. On that note, I also follow different online courses. All in all, productive in the process of getting my first adult job. A regular day for me. Sometimes I sit at the library, in the effort of getting things done.

I am privileged. I live in a country where we still get support to get an education. And find a relevant job. There are few who do misuse the system, but else, I find it works really well. I have the time to go to relevant seminars. Network. Do internships. And so forth. When slightly looking at the American system, and considering my own situation, I honestly do not want to be american. I love how the Danish system looks out for the weak in the society. How we get a chance to find a relevant job. Educate. Where escaping one’s social heritage does not have to be a fight about all or nothing, but can be done through educating oneself. Getting a different job than what one’s parents had. I for one do not want to be a teacher (sorry Mom) or a carpenter. I admire my parents. My father build up his own company. My mother educated further and got a degree in something teacher-ish that I cannot remember. They were/are intelligent in their own ways. So I am lucky. I grew up in a country where I did not have to be a teacher because my mother is. I can go my own ways. Have my own opinions. My own beliefs.

I once met a woman from the USA. Interesting talks we had, but she personally shot down the Danish society saying that it would not last for long. “How old is it? A couple of decades?”. I remember sitting in disbelief thinking, that first and foremost it was a tad older than just a couple of decades and by the way, I would not change it to yours. I can scarcely understand how one can argue for a society-system where the “fittest will survive”. I find that inhumane in some ways. I can understand that one learns to take care of oneself and does not rely on the society to help. But I like that there always is something to fall back on, and not fall out of society completely. That help is always around the corner.

These days where change are revealing itself in the choices made by the Danish government – a government that seems to want the American society instead of the one we already have. These days, I am reminded about all the opportunities I have and have had – all opportunities I wouldn’t have in the system the government wishes for. I am lucky – I have had the chance to get an education I am passionated about. I have been able to challenge my inner nerd with subjects of how society deals with religion. How people deals with religion. The different religious affiliations. The Middle Eastern Society in its different perspectives. I have had the chance to spent the time needed to find a relevant job. I will have the possibility to contribute to society and give back in a job I will love and be passionated about. Without having to fight over money. The system in Denmark is not perfect and need adjusting. But oh, the stomach ache when looking at the changes already made and changes that are about to come. Changes have to happen. But stop ruining the system. Make it better. Make improvements. Stop thinking that the grass is greener on the other side. Because from where I stand, it is not.

I am already on the right side…


As of 11.26 am yesterday (January the 3rd) I reached the age of 30. My mom bursted out that, now I was a lady. I do not see myself as such – and wonder if I ever will. Besides, I find the Danish word for lady (“Dame”) a tad elderly. Meaning, I honestly thought that one should be of an older age to become a lady. Not 30. And besides, just because I have really reached adulthood, does not mean I have to dress like that. A comment taken out of context I guess.

When I was a kid, I always thought I would have accomplished certain things when I became 30. I thought I would be married, with kids and an adult job. I thought I would dress adultish (I guess that is rather subjective). Maybe a cool car and my own house/apartment. I have neither of these things. I am not even close to being in a relationship (and honestly I do not mind), I don’t have kids (I don’t know if I want them – I mean I kind of like my friends kids. Especially the fact that I can hand them over and go home alone afterwards). I am not in a position of an adult job (Please let that not be for long! I really do want one of those!). I am on my way to a more adult wardrobe – whatever that means. I guess in this case I am referring to that fake leather-skirt I own. When had bought it and I showed it of to my mother I joyously announced that this was my “adult skirt”. I do not have a car (but I do want one of them hybrids… ). And I still rent rooms.

Life is not what I once imagined. But I guess that is lucky me. Because if life was what I imagined, there would be worlds in our stomachs for each food-group so the food we ate could play with each other in our stomachs. Or I would be married to some of all the major crushes I once had (Oh, please don’t make me relive those) and I would have twins (I once wished I would be one of those twin parents…). Truthfully, I am quite content with life as it is. There are areas I am working on (cough *In need of a job* cough). And despite the fact that it did take me time to come to grips with the fact that I no longer was a young adult and suddenly more than ever had to step up and be adult (because I definitely wasn’t adult before (sense the hint of irony)), I love life as it is right now.

So cheers to life, and I can’t wait to see what happens next!


Today, I want to reflect on New Years. Not because I want to make a big deal out of it. But because to many it is a big deal. Everything is planned down to every detail – this one night of the year – like our social lives depended on it. For a long time – that was what I initially thought. It was only until recently it came to me that this night is just another evening. I can make plans, but I don’t have to. I can do whatever I want.

And so I did. I made a deliciously cooked meal. Eat while watching whatever new yearsy things there were on TV. Enjoyed myself. Knitted. And then around midnight I biked through Copenhagen – on one hand the most genius way to watch the fireworks. On the other hand, also the most dangerous way, due to the temporary lawlessness created by drunk people with fireworks.

At some point after 1 am, I realised that I was down in my gut, enjoying myself. I felt like the main character in the end of “How To Be Single” – content and satisfied. For a moment I didn’t need someone else in my life to complete me. I did not need that whole family-picture in order to have fun. I loved the thought that the new year that was to come was for me, and I finally seemed to shelve the whole idea of: soon, very soon the guy I am supposed to be with are going to show up and everyone will see progress in my life as well. I realised that, just because I am not contributing to the flood of engagement- or weddingfotos, baby-pictures and so forth, I have completed something this year. The year of 2016 have been eventful despite most changes have happened on the inside rather than on the outside. And because of that, I allowed myself to let the inside take control for once. For once not giving in to what I thought everyone else expected of me this one evening of the year. And I love it.

The feeling is still present within me. I finally don’t involuntarily scan the room for potential bachelors. I am fine. I am happy the way I am. But don’t worry, chaos lurks around the corner as the day I have been dretting the most are approaching. Tomorrow, I will turn 30.


It seems, I am confronted with the end of life quite a lot at the moment. After the experience of my father’s passing, death has become so much more real to me. It is a part of my life now. Not just in the pain of loosing my father. Actually, I think I might have written about him more than once on this blog. Recently in, “When Family Becomes So Much More Than Blood”.

I see death much more after experiencing the pain myself. It always makes me think, how I don’t believe God created us as human beings meant to live only this one life. I believe fully that God created us for eternity, and the inconvenience and the uncomfortable feeling it gives me. Death and the feelings surrounding it always makes me confirm this very statement in my own worldview. It always makes me think about how I don’t envy those that do not believe in an afterlife and in God. This might seem weird to you, but it is the reality for me.

A recent visit to my Grandparents in Jutland, Denmark, made me think about it again. That ambivalente feeling of hoping for the best for them. Hoping and praying for healing. Confirming that I believe I am to see them again when death do catch up on them. To some such a conversation seems morbid. Life should be enjoyed now, we should think about death the moment it comes – if possible not at all. But for me, when I see life running out in the eyes of the people I love, I need to talk about it. I need to pray about the feeling of wanting to hold on to everyone around me. The feeling of slowly being left alone in this big world. The feeling of wanting to put my fingers in my ears, close my eyes, and hum loudly to myself, in order to avoid the scene in front of me, because it is just too painfull. In this case, I cannot avoid the fact that time is running fast. And for some, time is running out. Not just for all the celebrities that in 2016 lost their lives. Or for all the poor people in the world that is loosing their lives because of conflicts, war, and terror. Also for common people I know and love. For once I cannot solve and go through this feeling I have in my gut without confronting it. Accepting it. That prayer I pray in the dark of night when I wake up suddenly. “Please God, watch over the people I love! Oh, and by the way, please watch over my teeth as well” (The last bid may seem a bit odd, but that is actually what I pray when I wake up suddenly at night. For the Grandparents and my very expensive teeth-implants… Not that these two things are in any way comparable, but I honestly do not want to go through surgery again).

I think death is something we need to face. I think it is something we need to talk about. And I believe that, saying “I love you” to each other should be said and acted upon sooner rather than later. Because one day it is too late. One day time has run out, and you might stand back forever thinking, “I hope he/she knew I loved him/her”.


We are in the last season of the year. Christmas is just around the corner and so is a brand new year! At this time of year, I always wonder. Wonder about how much time has passed. That a whole new year is waiting. Brand new and with new possibilities. I’ve never given much for new year resolutions. Instead I focus on goals, new adventures. I love how the future is unknown and to dream of what it might contain. As important I find it to look back and enjoy the many good things the year of 2016 have given me, as important I find it to enjoy the possibilities of the new year.

2016 brought me my first whole year in Copenhagen. It has been an amazing year in Copenhagen, but not without the feeling of loneliness, self-searching regarding where I am in life and sorrow. 2016 was also the year I finished my Master’s Degree and entered into the world of unemployment. A world I find boring and would very much like to get a job – SOON! I’ve been to Barcelona and London in 2016 and I’ve attended 3 bachelorette parties and weddings (not like the summer I attended 7-9).

2017 is going to bring me to Atlanta, Georgia. I am visiting friends and looking so much forward! It is a trip that is going to bring me into the new year broke, but whatever. What is life without challenges. 2017 is maybe the year me and my siblings are taking our “father-weekend” to Paris. Me and my siblings lost our father 3-4 years ago around january and the weekend closest to his birthday we try to go on a trip and travel. Dad always said he wish he could give us all a bag of money ment for traveling only. So, we honor his memory by traveling – or we make an effort to. And then there is a wedding waiting in the new year. Oh, I am looking forward to that. My good friend is getting married and I will be there!

In 2017 my goals is to: Run a half-marathon. Get a job. Begin to arabic (eeeexpensive). And paying tithe of all income before taxes (this requires and deserves its own entry).

Wish me luck in 2017. Do you have goals and dreams for the new year? Please do not hesitate to share with me! 🙂


Today, I did something I usually don’t do. I wrote someone who had already told me that they did not have a possibility for me in their firm, but would save my email if any future possibility arose. I am always very concerned that everyone else finds me annoying, but when unemployment becomes a drag and all you want to do is something that does not involve watching TV2’s morning program while writing yet another application I am willing to do anything. ANYTHING!

In an article an employer gave the advice that, if you want something to do with this specific company, keep writing to them and keep telling them what you can do and how. I’ve heard about this strategy before, but I did not want to be in the way. That is always how I operate. I do not want to have “sharp elbows” as we say in Danish and muffle my way in the front of the line. I’ve always considered civility a slow, yet steady way forward. But if your dealing with a field and wants to be a part of a work-field where it takes bulldozers to even become considered, it seems that common courtesy and patience is a town in Russia for most. These days, it seems that the only way forward is keep putting oneself out there. Keep making people aware of one’s existence and then someday. Somewhere, there will be someone who can see me as a possibility in their firm. I still believe that keeping one’s civility while all the time making oneself apparent is possible to combine. I just hope my luck will appear soon, because this situation does not suite me. I just want to do something. Make a difference. Make results.
