De sidste 2 uger har jeg virkelig følt mig heldig og elsket. En god veninde stod lige pludselig og ret spontant og bankede på min dør. Nogle gode venner sørgede for glutenfri og mælkefri kage til mig. I tirsdag da jeg kom hjem efter en heldagstur hos en ven, fandt jeg en pakke i min postkasse: Det var bogen Keep The Path, skrevet af Bobbie Houston og en lille note fra min kusine. #DerErIntetDerSlårGodeOverraskelser, #GodeVennerErGuld, #NuKanJegIkkeMEre.

Og ligesom jeg troede det gik ret godt, havde jeg et par uheld på vej til tapning (af blod) og en sen aften på vej hjem fra en veninde. Det fik mig til at tænke på, om jeg har gjort noget ondt mod nogen, som gør at jeg fortjener sådan et uheld #JegSigerIkkeMere, #BlotAtKarmaErEnKælling, #HvisManAltsåTrorPåDenSlags, #DetGørJegIkke.

Jeg har i flere uger glædet mig til at bære en ny nederdel, jeg havde købt ved Boozt. Den er væk og manden i afhentningsbutikken ville ikke hjælpe mig med at finde ud af om den allerede var ankommet. #JegRefererTilOvenståendeHverdags-indslag, #OnlineShoppingErIkkeAltidVellykket, #DerRøgDenFødselsdagsgave.

Min motivation til træning og projekt Breaking with Greed har i den her uge (måske nærmere seneste tid) været ingenstedsnærværende. Derfor har jeg måttet ty til styrketræning og akut-redning af min konto. #2skridtfremogenmilliardtilbage, #detminforstandvedforstårrestenafminkropoverhovedetikke, #Nugiktræningenligesågodt.

Jeg har i maj besluttet at have slik-, chips- og is-fri måned. Dvs ingen bland-selv-slik, chips med havsalt, mælkefri is. Til trods for at min pung nærmest puster ud over det ræs jeg har foretaget med at klemme disse gode sager i min kurv og nærmest storm-ædt det på vej hjem fra supermarkedet, er det som om at pengene ryger på noget andet. JEg mener, hold kæft hvor er “sunde alternativer” skiiiiiide dyre!!!! #OgRema1000HarTilbudPåMælkefriIS, #JegHarVidstEtTemaOmKarmaKørende.


Jeg indrømmer, at jeg somme tider har det med at komme med urimelige raseri-udbrud når det gælder cyklister. Jeg har fundet ud af, at det er en knap jeg ikke kan slukke, hvis først samtalen falder på dette emne. Sådan er det bare. #DealWithIt, #KøbenhavnskeCyklisterErDumme, #InklusivMigSelv.

Der er run på for tiden. Mange projekter i luften. Alt for lidt tid. And I love it. Det er lang tid siden jeg decideret skulle planlægge min tid for at sikre, at jeg nåede det hele. Men jeg elsker, når en af mine opgaver er at læse en bog! #ForhåbentligSnartSomBoganmelder, #NyeUdfordringer, #GivMigFlere, #LivetSomArbejdsløs.

Skulle bestille en tid ved lægen. Recepterne fornyer ikke sig selv, når man skal have foretaget forskellige tests. I den forbindelse blev jeg introduceret for flere internet-sider der gør at man kan have email-konsultation og bestille tid online. Super smart. Men efter min mening begynder det at være uhensigtsmæssigt når man skal huske på 2 forskellige hjemmesider… Det vil jeg da ikke kunne huske, den ene gang om året jeg skal til lægen… #JegRingerBare, #FanAfDenGodeGamleMetode.

At løbetræne er den tid hvor jeg graver mig dybt ind i mig selv og nyder ikke at skulle forholde mig til andet end at udvikle min krops formåen. Men at træne op til en halvmaraton, kan altså godt være lidt en “buzz-kill”. Specielt dagens træning står på 66 min. interval. #DetErStadigGodt, #TræningTræningTræning, #UhøjtideligTræning, #SpiserStadigChipsOgSlik!


For future reference: Do not watch a Russian Ballet without checking up on the story beforehand. It does one no good going in from the streets and watching that kind of thing. #TheSwanLake, #RussianBallet, #ItWasWeirdlyInterestingAndBeautifulToo.

Catching up on my French. I had the language in school and lately I’ve been quite annoyed that I did not learn it completely – because: Job-hunting. So, I am watching Winnie The Pooh – with french subtitles. #BestWayForward, #INowKnowHowToSayHoneyInFrench, #MielIfYouWereInDoubt.

I am however, a lot more successful in brushing up my Arabic. I am having an oddly great self-confidence after reading the first page in the kids book about Ali Baba and the robbers. #ChildrensBooksAreTheBestWayToLearnALanguage,

Dear walker, one does not make a solid argument when you approach me by making minor sexual assaults because you find me doing something wrong. It makes you creepy, and it does not have the impact you think. #Eeeeeew, #HeAlmostTouchedMyBoop, #KeepYourBodyAwayFromMe, #NoWonderIWantedToBikeOnTheSidewalkToGETAWAYFROMYOUCreepyMan!

And, on that note. When you, dear biker, decide to yell at someone random, after that someone was trying to pass by other bikers and thus, could not make you pass first. Do not be a coward and bike as fast as you can away after the fact. Be a strong, independent woman! Stop and take the fight or bite your words! #ForOnceIWasTheOneBeingRight, #Idiot, #IHaveBikersTrauma, #BikersInCopenhagenAreInsane, #UnfortunatelyMyselfIncluded.


Phones are really not my thing. I am very, very clumsy – which resulted in the fact that I almost thought I needed to buy a complete new one yesterday. Luckily it began charging this morning (24/2-2017). Phew… #MyPhoneIsMyLifeline, #ToAddictedIThink, #SmallThingsInLife, #PSSSSSTTheNewNokiaIsSoonAvailable!!!!

Coming back from Atlanta resulted in coming back to that dark, depressive thought of the fact that I am still unemployed. #PleaseSomeoneGiveMeAJob!!! #ButWoawAtlantaWasGREAT.

Baked “Fastelavns boller” (bread rolls with creme inside) the other day for a future trip me, my mom and my siblings are making. I made 9. I ate 5, a friend of mine ate 1, and there is now 3 left for the trip… #NoSelfControl, #CakeCakeCake, #WhatToDo!


Psst. Dear Ben & Jerry’s! I promise to buy at least one of your icecream a month for a year if you soon oh very soon makes it possible to buy the ice cream pictured above in Denmark! <3 PS and I would be thankful if you could make more diary free ice creams that was also glutenfree?! #PleasePrettyPlease, #PleaseMakeMeHappy, #DreamingOfAtlantaAndIcecream!


The last two weeks, I admit not being as active on the blog as I had hoped for. The high hopes I had before I went away to Atlanta, disappeared the minute I found myself in the airport. The excitement of going away from this grey rainy cloud called everyday life for a minute took over and I let myself lock up everything of importance into a tiny box and did not open it until a few days ago when being reunited with my own bed and pillow (most of all).

Now after returning this Tuesday, the feeling of the sun disappearing and the clouds reappearing over my head, – and the new energy I had recollected out there in the big amazing world has disappeared like snow in the sun – as we say in Denmark. I admit that the “depression” of not having a job has reappeared in my life, as I with frustration see all the people much more qualified than myself take all the jobs I really want. Anyway, I will go back into the ring and fight for what I dream of in this respect and keep up my blog and all the other amazing things I’ve got going in my life at the moment. Furthermore, this frustration does not help when having problems with mobile phones and a sudden blanket of snow decided to throw itself down in my head when I was having fun with my brother eating at 42Raw – a fortunate impulsive spark of the day.

At least, I know from todays visit at the dentist, that I have a relatively good mouth hygiene. Thank you – at least I know how to take good care of my teeth. Which I do in fear of having to have my teeth drilled. I hate having people touching my teeth’s already. No need to make it more nightmarish going to the dentist already is.

So all in all, coming back sucks. It really do. But I have a few blogs coming your way and this weekend I am going to try making “Fastelavns boller” in a glutenfree and milkfree version. Yay. So I guess life is not that depressing after all. I guess it all depends on holding on to the little things in life.

Over and out.


It is definitely a long, long time ago I became tomato red in the head of embarrassment. I find myself kind of hard core on some things and on others weak as a earthworm. Anyways – smashing 5 champagne glass ought to do it – at a goods friends final exam! #IWouldHaveDougAHoleAndStayedThereTheRestOfMyLife, #Embarrasment #LuckyIWillNeverMeetAnyoneThereEverAgain.

By the way, I made myself the “Smashing Glass Queen” when I at the Copenhagen Street Food managed to smash my own glass on their concrete floor. #Dough, #OneMoreTimeForThePeople, #AtLeastIAmTheQueenOfSomething.

In my family it has become a known fact that I have a tendency to “leave” my things all around town. While visiting family in this week I managed to drop my phone, without noticing in the local grocery store. Surprisingly the episode was not that nerve racking for me, because it actually happens every now and again. My mom ended up asking intensely, every time we left some place whether I had everything and if I was sure. #TheQueenOfForgetting, #NotThatUncommon, #IAmJustNotThatAttachedToThings.


Do you know that feeling? You look in your calendar, and a friend – one of those you have no problem calling to – just recently celebrated her birthday. In an instant, your stomach pinches and your brain is going 240 km/h to find out whether or not you called her and congratulated her. I did. I just forgot I did. Like when I forget that I remembered to turn out the stove, but forgot I did. #ManIHateMyBrainSometimes, #WhyIsItSomethingsJustQuetlySlipsOut?

Ok, I admit, Nothing exciting, funny or just amazing happened for me to make a cool and hilarious everyday tales blog. I’ve been busy. You know: Running, applying for jobs, going to seminars and courses, calling random people, volunteering at different things. But nothing out of the ordinary. Well I did eat what seemed like a kilo of bacon at the event I attended yesterday – that was the only thing they served that was glutenfree. Lucky, I LOVE bacon. Which my vegetarian friend was so friendly as to remind me and point out that I had been at the bacon trey for the forth time.. I admit that I sometimes roast bacon just to eat them like chips… #WellI<3 BaconIReallyDo #TheOnlyFoodThatDidn’tChangeAfterGoingGlutenfree, #SorryVegansorVegetariansIRespectYourLifestyleIReallyDo, #UneventfullifeAndStillIBlogAboutIt…

The embarrassment that went over me once I realised that in my recipes I’ve written diary free, instead of dairy free… I mean of course they are diary free. It is kind of like that Libresse commercial where the Danish lady says “stay fairless” when she should have said fearless… #dooooohh, #couldnthelplaughing, #potatopotato, #blameitonthedane!


This Christmas the family and I gave in to my brothers torment of a PS4. He began the nag 2-3 months ago. But when the day finally came and the presents were to be revealed he still couldn’t believe it, when he was given the money for the Playstation. His hands were shaking of disbelief and amazement. The first day the shops opened after Christmas, we actually went to buy it. Each moment of the day was eternalised by my brother on pictures and now, I actually haven’t heard from him in a while… #Nowthatisgiftgiving, #HisHandsWasShakingOfExcitement, #FunniestGiftGivingEver, #OhHowILoveChristmas.

Btw, the fact that my brother now is the overjoyed owner of a PS4, suddenly made me the owner of a PS3. Not that I need it, but it will make me play dvd’s and such. #IAmNotTheGamerType, #MaybeIWillBe, #SecondHandGamer…

01.01.17, 01.00 AM: That thing about cancelling New Years 2016 was a huge success. Don’t get me wrong. I love to celebrate this day with my friends too. But what a night! I LOVED IT! And just going out to watch other people’s money being shut in many colours over the midnight sky is actually really cool. And now I am enjoying Cava and watching Cirkus Revyen 2016. #YupIAmThatKindOfGal, #HappyNewYear.

Speaking about New Years I kind of find that this is that one day a year no one complains about traffic, because no one sticks to the rules. One day of chaos and lawlessness. I mean it’s not just traffic. It’s a miracle that more people are not hurt or killed on this day. #DrunkPeopleAndFireworks, #DangerousBiking.

Turning 30 wasn’t as bad as I had feared. Until my mum suddenly stated that, “Now, I was a lady”. Fears of becoming old and grey rushed over me as I firmly responded that, I was not a lady. Lady in Danish (dame) is in my view a title one gets when waaaaaay older than 30. maybe 60 or even 70. #IAmNOTThatOld, #MyMotherCouldNotStopLaughing, #ButThenWeAteCake.


A friend and I was catching up on a café in an amazing and beautiful part of Copenhagen. My friend leaned over and shared with me pieces she had heard of a weird conversation the two people next to us had. Something about the man’s wife not “taking one for the team”. We first realised that we were in the middle of a Hollywood Movie, when the woman leaned in and almost dug a hole in his mouth with her tongue… #DramaDrama, #CheatingIsStupid, #NeverEverThoughtIWouldExperienceThat, #OhIHopeTheWifeWillKnowAboutTheMistress, #HopefullyTheWifeWinsThis”Movie”.

Later that same day, my friend and I took a walk near the Canals in Copenhagen. I heard that on Saint Lucy’s day a bunch of people would do a procession in their kayaks. A need to see moment. #TogetherWithEveryoneElseInCopenhagen, #ButKindOfCool, #TheyWereSupposedToSing?

It’s the 23. of December. My brother and I sleep in each our end of the livingroom on thin mattresses. My brother have literally snored the entire night. And 7 am, sharp the house starts shaking and a loud noice starts coming out of the walls. And while I lie wonder if I have done something wrong since karma wanted me to suffer all night, my brother snores in competition with the neighbour’s power drill. #NotFairNotAtAllFair, #ButItsChristmasSoWhatever, #MerryChristmas.


When a friend and I made the promise not to watch more than the first episode of the new season of Gilmore Girls and watch the rest of the season together, I thought; ‘big deal’. The day after the season had premiered on Netflix the only message my friend got was “SORRY”. #NoooBackbone #TheFourWordPledge #YESIKnowWhatTheFourWordsIs #EvenTheDudePlayingDeanIsTeamJess  #TEAMJESS #GoHomeLogan

Got a free ticket to see a play at a theatre nearby. You of course says yes to such a thing especially if it’s free. In the middle of the play, suddenly someone got sick. The actors stopped the play, and one of the actors quietly asked: “Is there a doctor present?”. A doctor rose and helped the person, which by the way got better afterwards. Drama drama. And on a regular Wednesday evening. #BetterThanAtHomeInFrontOfTheTelly #ILoveFreeThings #ImpulsivityIsKingCouplethingiesGoHome

Oh, how I love Christmas. Christmas calendars on television. Tivoli. Glögg. The food. But oh my. This year there is 5 different Christmas calendars beginning from 4.30 pm on telly. Thus, it is not the present shopping stressing me out. It is actually making it through all 4 I have decided to see….  #ChristmasIsHygge, #ChristmasCalenderStress.

Became a dog-owner for a week when my sisters dog overtook my home and everyday life. I once wanted a dog. Now, I don’t really know. I know that when she’s gone in about a weeks time I’m going to miss having a dog. But now, I just want to be able to slumber without worrying that she’s sleeping in pee and dog-poo #thePerksOfHavingADog, #DogLadyForAWeek #ChihuahuaCuteness #I’mAnnoyingIKnow
