For future reference: Do not watch a Russian Ballet without checking up on the story beforehand. It does one no good going in from the streets and watching that kind of thing. #TheSwanLake, #RussianBallet, #ItWasWeirdlyInterestingAndBeautifulToo.

Catching up on my French. I had the language in school and lately I’ve been quite annoyed that I did not learn it completely – because: Job-hunting. So, I am watching Winnie The Pooh – with french subtitles. #BestWayForward, #INowKnowHowToSayHoneyInFrench, #MielIfYouWereInDoubt.

I am however, a lot more successful in brushing up my Arabic. I am having an oddly great self-confidence after reading the first page in the kids book about Ali Baba and the robbers. #ChildrensBooksAreTheBestWayToLearnALanguage,

Dear walker, one does not make a solid argument when you approach me by making minor sexual assaults because you find me doing something wrong. It makes you creepy, and it does not have the impact you think. #Eeeeeew, #HeAlmostTouchedMyBoop, #KeepYourBodyAwayFromMe, #NoWonderIWantedToBikeOnTheSidewalkToGETAWAYFROMYOUCreepyMan!

And, on that note. When you, dear biker, decide to yell at someone random, after that someone was trying to pass by other bikers and thus, could not make you pass first. Do not be a coward and bike as fast as you can away after the fact. Be a strong, independent woman! Stop and take the fight or bite your words! #ForOnceIWasTheOneBeingRight, #Idiot, #IHaveBikersTrauma, #BikersInCopenhagenAreInsane, #UnfortunatelyMyselfIncluded.


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