A glutenfree and milk free lifestyle does not have to be as difficult as it sometimes would seem. You can even transform your favourite dishes into delicious glutenfree and milk free pieces of heaven. You just have to know what to change the different things to. It is kind of like those times you attempt to go sugar free for some time, or go on a diet. At first it is difficult, because you have to change your mindset on many areas. You have to find the middle way, that will not make you miss your old habits but look forward to new one’s. For me, I sometimes miss the simplicity. Whipped cream in my Irish Coffee. But, the more I learned how to adjust the recipes and food to something I could actually enjoy. I don’t miss my old life as much anymore. Actually, I don’t want to go back. I never felt better. For me to be adding different recipes in on this particular blog, has nothing to do with publishing them as my creation. They are not. I adjusted them here and there to be something I could enjoy. Furthermore, this blog is just as much an attempt to make it easier for my friends who does not have the same issues with food as I do. To make it easier for them to make food for me as well.
And, on one hand, I want to share the recipes because there is not many out there like these. Either the recipes’ are glutenfree and lactose-free or just one of the other. Lactose intolerance is not the same as avoiding dairy products all together. There’s a difference and that is why I share the recipes. On the other hand, I use this blog as my own library. That way I can remember them and re-use them.
So what’s the point of this blog? Well, I want to share with you, who are in the beginning of this journey of a glutenfree and milkfree lifestyle, that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You will be able to eat normally. Just, a new normal. I want to share with you, who have a friend that is eating according to this specific lifestyle, that it is possible to make easy and not necessarily expensive food and cakes for them.
And, I want to tell my younger self, tumbling out of the doctors office, having a food-deshavu of all the things that I suddenly couldn’t eat: It gets easier. One day you will only have a slight regret when walking past Dunkin Donut’s knowing you will never experience the taste of those deliciously and nasty looking bread-thingies.
If any of the cakes above have caught your attention, you will find the recipe’s here.