Imens jeg sidder her foran min computer og prøver ihærdigt at overbevise mig selv om at lejligheden ikke på magisk vis gør sig selv rent og at vasketøjet ikke lige pludselig hænger på sin plads rent, baner duften af bacon sin vej ind gennem mit vindue, som en af de der gode pluto-tegnefilm. Det minder mig om, at det er fredag og at jeg skulle planlægge noget lækkert til aftensmad – med bacon og rødvin. For ærlig talt glæder jeg mig til at kunne nyde en ren lejlighed, et glas vin, lækker mad og at kunne se en god film – uden at tænke på de kommende ugers spændende nye ting. Jeg prøver ikke at blive for nervøs omkring næste uges praktik.

For i næste uge begynder jeg i en spændende virksomhedspraktik, som skal hjælpe mig med på et eller andet tidspunkt at få et job. Jeg er så spændt på det og er helt vild glad for at få muligheden. På samme tid er jeg vildt nervøs fordi det udfordrer min indre tryghedsnarkoman. For lang tid siden fandt jeg ud af, at for ikke at blive hende der damen med de mange kæledyr, som kun betrådte stier hun allerede havde mødt, blev jeg nødt til at konfrontere mit behov for at føle mig sikker ved kun at berøre ting, tage steder hen og gøre ting jeg kendte til. Det er noget der udfordrer mig dagligt, men jeg bliver også ved med at minde mig selv om alle de gange jeg er lykkedes og hvad det i sidste ende har givet mig.

Nå men, ihvertfald vil jeg bare ønske alle derude en rigtig god weekend!

While sitting here in front of my computer, trying to convince myself that the apartment doesn’t clean itself and the laundry doesn’t magically turn up clean the fragrance of bacon slowly catch my attention. I am reminded that today it’s friday and I should plan something special for dinner – with bacon and red wine. Cause honestly, I am looking forward to sit in a clean apartment, enjoy a glass of wine, eat delicious food and watch a movie trying not to get too nervous about next weeks internship.

Because next week I begin at an internship that will help my chances of eventually getting a job. I am so excited about getting the opportunity and on the same time nervous because it challenges my “addiction to feeling secure”. I found a long time ago, that in order to become more than just that lady with a lot of animals who only steps on path already encountered I had to challenge my need for feeling secure. It is still something that challenges me, but I keep reminding me of all the times I’ve succeeded and that keeps me going.

Anyway, I guess all I am saying to everyone out there – Have a splendid weekend and keep the challenges real.


Another one for the ever growing list of series to follow. 

Mr Robot er meget fremme for tiden. Den har været igennem Emmy’erne, blevet anbefalet i dvs medier og jeg har også modtaget en del personlige anbefalinger forskellige steder fra. Men ærlig talt var det ikke kærlighed ved første blik. Mere tvungen kendskab efter endnu en anbefaling fra en vens ven. Dog, som så mange andre serier jeg er faldet for, har den understreget vigtigheden af ikke at dømme en serie ved dets introducerende billede. Jeg troede, bare ved at se på billedet, at det handlede om en robot-menneskelignende gut’s vej igennem samfundet. Jeg blev træt bare ved tanken, for der har ærlig talt været mange film om lige præcis det emne. Mødet med denne serie blev derfor en overraskelse, da serien fik lov til at udfolde dets komplekse og interesserende plot og dets fængslende cast.

Serien handler om en gut, der på trods af sociale og psykiske problemer, forsøger at leve en så normal tilværelse som mulig. Hans utroligt skarpe intelligens og tendens til at bruge denne til at udpege bukkene fra fårene (så at sige), får ham i problemer, hvilket bliver hovedhistorien for denne serie. Han bliver en del af hacker-gruppen “fSociety” som forsøger at slå ned på den lille elite af mænd og kvinder der styrer verdensøkonomien.

Til trods for illustreringen af en rå tilværelse på stoffer og i kanten af samfundet, har den overraskende få nøgenscener, hvilket på mig virker som et team der fuldt ud tror på plottet og historien af serien. – Et kæmpe plus i min bog for det alene. Derudover er jeg fængslet af plottet og castet af skuespillere. Plottet får mig til hele tiden at tvivle på om alle de mennesker hovedpersonen lige pludselig er omringet af foregår udelukkende i hovedpersonens skizofrene hoved eller om det er den sande verden han befinder sig i. Denne serie har potentiale for de helt store plot-twist, og jeg bliver slemt skuffet, hvis den ikke udnytter dette potentiale for fremtiden.

Indtil videre, ved første indtryk får serien 5 ud af 6 robotter fra mig: For 100 procent satsning på plottet, dets cast og måden hvorpå de fremviser historien.


Honestly, not love at first sight. More a forced intervention after a recommendation from a friends friend. However, this TV-show have proven to me once again that you should really not judge a TV-series by it’s introduction pictures. I thought this series was about some dude being a robot and finding his way in the world. I got tired by just thinking about it, because honestly, there has been too many films about this subject. Thus, the encounter surprised me greatly with a complex and interesting plot, and an intriguing cast. It is definitely going on my ever growing list of series to follow.

The series is about the main character, who is socially troubled, however, amazingly intelligent and how he is trying to live and how to exists in a world with extroverts with amazing social skills. He encounters a group of people called “fSociety” and becomes a part of their plans to hack the leaders of the world economy.

Despite its rough nature and characteristics of troubled existence, it does not find it necessary to image a lot of nudity. A major plus in my book. Furthermore, I am highly intrigued by the plot and it makes me wonder throughout the entire show – what parts of the series will eventually be revealed as figures of his (the main characters) imagination. This show has the possibility for a major plot-twist and I am looking forward to see it happening. Honestly, that is also the minus. Because if it eventually does not reveal some sort of plot twist – I will be disappointed and it will possibly be the end of my enthusiasm for the series.

This show gets – until so far – 5 out of 6 stars: For its plot, its cast and the way they display the story.


I am passionated about meeting everyone equally. Despite differences. Despite diverse worldviews. I’ve written about this before in the blog “A religious affiliation = A radical worldview?“, where I discuss the fright of religion that seems to be inflicting the Danish society. However, time and time again I meet “those people”. Those people who almost give me that sight look of disgust, when learning that I do believe in something higher than myself. I believe in a higher, intelligent power who created us all. I haven’t found any other explanation for the ultimate creation of this world. Why I am here.

I haven’t found any other explanation for all the crazy things that have happened in my life, which all bare the witness of someone watching out for me.

Now, this does not mean that you cannot talk to me as you do with any other normal human being. It does mean that I would love it if you came to the same conclusion as I. Because, fact is, this is what I believe to be the ultimate truth and I want any of my non-religious friends along with me.

What kind of a believer would I be, if I didn’t want everyone of my family, my friends or my friends boyfriends or girlfriends to see and ultimately believe what I do so that everyone of them could be saved?

It wouldn’t be in the line of the love, compassion and charity I have experienced from the God I believe in. Think about it. Don’t you think, that the world would be better of, if everyone in the world was convinced of the very thing you find to be the ultimate truth to be true? Then what is wrong, when I think in the same line of thought about the religious worldview I affiliate with? This is truly my inner argument when I meat someone I know not to be the believer I am. Not that I want to tell everyone how they should live their lives. I kind of just want to bring them in front of God, and let him about that.

This obviously mean, that when meeting me, you probably wouldn’t have guessed that I am a believer. You probably would think of me as a common woman with a common mind and life as the norm dictates. It is only when you take the time and patience of going past the layers of masks of how I want you to see me, that I will reveal that to you – and the side people would call lunatic. Because, I know what you might think. I know what most would think of me. I know the arguments. The discussions we would have. I am not sure if you see my predicament. On the one hand, I want the world to be saved. On the other, I want to be able to actually co-exist with people who don’t see the world as I do. In common respect and to be met equally.

Unfortunately, that is not the case. In the world we have today, society dictates a fright of religion and those who follow a religious worldview.

People like me are pressured under the falls pretences that we force upon others a worldview and a way of life. Thus, I am being looked down upon. Being considered lower than anyone else. Only because I do not follow the religion of the norm: Either to believe that there is no God or to believe in science as the only thing explaining the big questions. But if I am to respect you – aren’t you supposed to respect mine as well? If I am to listen to your worldview? Why is it you should under no circumstances to listen to mine?

I might be alien to you and it might seem like I just want to force a worldview upon you. Truthfully, I do not. But, again, what kind of a human being would I be, if I did not want to share the greatest treasure I have ever found with you? So don’t be scared. Don’t reject me as a mer worldview forced upon you. See it for what it really is: Compassion. And stop this ridiculous scare of religion.


Da jeg omlagde min kost til at være gluten- og mælkefri, troede jeg, at jeg aldrig skulle smage rugbrød igen. Jeg har prøvet mange forskellige bag selv brød for at finde det bedste til frokosten. Men har endnu ikke før i går fundet det helt rigtige brød.

Men i går, faldt jeg over et form for bag selv brød, jeg blev nødt til at prøve. Jeg køber som regel mel i Rema 1000 fordi det er det bedste mel jeg længe har prøvet. Lige ved siden af, stod brødet jeg bare var nødt til at prøve.

Det koster 25 kroner, tager omkring 1,5 time at lave og man skal kun tilføje vand og gær. Resultatet er et groft, velsmagende, rugbrødslignende brød. Det var en anelse blødt at skære i, men det kan sagtens have noget at gøre med min entusiasme over brødet, hvilket forårsagede at jeg nok var lidt hurtig til at skære i det. Men det smager simpelthen så godt og vil fremover være en basal vare i mit glutenfrie og mælkefrie køkken. Desværre er det ikke rent glutenfrit og der er glucosesirup i, derfor vil dem der er gluten allergikere ikke kunne bruge dette brød. Men det er naturligt frit for mælk så den del er der ikke problemer med. Til trods for disse få kritikpunkter får brødet 5 ud af 5 stjerner for fantastisk god smag, groft lækker konsistens og sværhedsgrad at lave.

When I went gluten- and milkfree I never thought I would ever taste the Danish classic: “Rugbread”. A ‘rough’ peace of bread that is way more healthy than white bread. I have tried different ‘bake it yourself breads’ in order to find the perfect bread for lunch.

However, yesterday I found my favourite bread of all time. I usually buy flour in Rema 1000 because they have the best glutenfree flour and next to the flour was a DIY bread I had to try out.

It costs about 25 kroners, it takes about 1,5 hour to make and you only have to add water and yeast. The result is a dark bread which is probably the best I’ve ever tasted. This DIY bread gets 5 out of 5 stars from me and will be a basic in my glutenfree and milkfree kitchen.

These tests are based on products from Danish stores. 



Every year my siblings and I celebrate my late fathers birthday by doing something special in the weekend before or after the date of his birthday and last year we decided to go to Madrid. Unfortunately, my brother couldn’t join my sister and I. However, thinking back on the trip with my sister, I am reminded of a lot of “hygge” as we say in Danish. Tons of girl talk, getting closer to one another, and bonding. All in all a fantastic time with my beautiful sister.

I was told by someone who was quit familiar with the city to just “get lost”, so we mostly did. Sometimes the best way to enjoy a different city is to just walk around and see what happens. Among the many experiences getting lost led to, a street market was my personal favourite. Sometimes the best jewellery is bought everywhere else but at home.


Madrid is in my opinion the master city in ‘dress up’. Every where we went, every where we looked, there was always someone dressed up as something or someone specific. We became friends with Mr Bean and Spongebob Squarepants (Personal favourite as he reminded me of a particularly, annoyingly awesome ringtone I once woke everyone up with in a dorm room). Also a rather hilarious version of a not so fit Spiderman ruled the streets with his rather funny looks and moves!


Madrid also has a lot of different art museums and other “must see’s”. We did go to see the palace (a little overpriced compared to what we actually experienced within the palace). A personal favourite was all the modern art we experienced at one of the many museums. It is always amazing to see what other artists can do with heels from shoes, plastic and frames.  I am a sucker for these kinds of things and can spend hours in places like these.


All in all, we where quite lucky with the weather in Madrid. It was in March, and the temperature was warm enough to expose some skin and enjoyed the first beams of sun in the parks. Concluding, Madrid is a city I would enjoy travelling to again, but I must admit that there are several places I would love to experience before going here again. If you get the chance to experience Madrid, you should truly enjoy “getting lost”, art, tons of tapas and a good glass of wine! My sister and I did most of it, despite the fact that I was a bit difficult with my gluten-allergy and such when it came to food. Luckily my amazing sister where patient with me and we had an amazing time!

My Beautiful Sis
My Beautiful Sis

Life seems so fragile,
humans so small.
When giving the world a smile
Seems like the greatest task of all.

In such a moment,
In such a time.
When life seems to run,
through our fingers like sand.
Let’s rejoice the little time we had,
and remember all the great and wonderful,
women and men who have,
or are about too fall.


If you want to read the first poem I did, you can read ‘As I Walk Through Life’


The first time I had to eat out in Copenhagen, I went for the easiest and the most spoken about online regarding dinner-options in Copenhagen. Hard Rock Café was one of them. At first I was a bit sceptic, but felt in really good hands with the crew and the waiters / waitresses. They all kept taps about my specific needs, the minute I required a glutenfree and milkfree option. A guy came down with a major book containing every meal in the restaurant and its ingredients. Thus, I was given the best option possible that fitted my specific needs.

I had their burger and despite it being a little dry due to the lack of cheese it was good and delicious. The glutenfree bread in their burgers are delicious and really good. So, it is definitely worth a try. The atmosphere is cozy and cool, however, sometimes it can be a bit loud when a lot people are going out for dinner. The waiters and waitresses are all very nice, greats you with a smile and makes sure you feel like being in good hands. They never take anything for granted and makes sure to follow up on things, if there is any part of the menu they are not sure about in accordance to allergenes.

For that alone, Hard Rock Café is worth a try.

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At this moment on Sidereel, I follow 21 series. So, I guess it’s safe to say that I looove series and this time I will review BBC’s series The Musketeers.

It is the same classic story almost a hundred of movies have, more or less successfully tried to capture. The four cocky gentlemen that makes dangerously beautiful sword fighting seem so easy and careless. The very reason that so many movies have tried to capture this story before this series, made me avoid the show completely for quite some time. However, a boring afternoon, where all the usual series didn’t seem to amuse me, I did try it, and two seasons after I am still hooked.

the first season was amazingly caching and I came to like the characters a lot. I am a hugh Peter Capaldi fan and seeing him being a character you come to despise and hate, reveals his major talent beyond that of playing Doctor Who. The second season almost gave me an ulcer. Oh, how I love and hate those stories that makes you want to use all night to watch all ten episode to know if the ongoing hopelessness will turn in favour of the good guys. And I admit, I did watch the finale episode after watching only the first two episodes. The bad guy in the second season was so convincingly bad, that I, in order to stay sane, needed some hope to hang on to. All in all a good show.

However, to some point I do wonder how it came to be that I wooded for the guys who was committing adultery and kills of characters just in order to make an impossible relationship possible. It is just fiction, but after two season I think it will be a necessary break for my nerves and my moral values.

All in all I will give the show 4,5 star. It is really good, but not the show I would race home to see. It do become monotonous, which I guess is just a sign of me having watched the show too quickly. But, I do highly recommend the show.

The two first seasons are on Netflix and episodes from the third season are already on aired in Canada.


I would like to underline that this blog is generalised and meant as a provocation against some standards (or double standards) there is in the Danish society today regarding religion. I find that despite this blog being focused on Denmark, it is possible to transfer the essens of the blog to any country in the Western world at the moment. 

When you have a religious affiliation, you may find it quite difficult getting a chance to share your official opinion without being placed under suspicion. It is for instance difficult being a Muslim, making a stand in the Danish society without being labelled radical and undemocratic in comparison with what is considered Danish values by the majority. This is often evident in the media, where several instances of public stances from people who are well-integrated in Denmark and call themselves Danish, still are being told to “go home to their own country”. However, it is my personal experience that it is not only Islam that is in line of sight regarding demeaning comments on religious worldviews. Because, in Denmark it seems to be “un-Danish” and “undemocratic” to have a religious affiliation. Furthermore, if someone dares to say something about it in public, other’s pull out the “religion is a private thing” card. As if you can express your opinions if they are connected to something the majority of the Danish people find “normal”. However, do you base your values within a Christian framework – or any religion what so ever – you have to keep it to yourself.

At the moment, Muslims are in the middle of the eye of the hurricane because radicalisation is the focus of attention – especially how to stop a radicalisation process. There is a sudden major focus on what Muslims actually think about different subjects. Within the Danes perspective, focus often become more on how to change what Muslims opinions are to be more alike Danish values and democracy in stead of accepting differences of opinions and the freedom of religion and freedom of speech we actually have. Moreover, maybe it is time to realise that the Muslim faith do not have to be so far from democratic values?

In the media Muslims are often displayed as “those people”, “the radical” and in relation to terror. However, maybe instead of pointing towards one minority as the villain, we should discuss an underlying problem that smoulders beyond the surface. Maybe we should talk about the sudden lack of respect for the different, and, in most Danes perspectives, radical worldview which involves an opposite view of the world compared to the Danish values. Maybe we should discuss how many believers more or less intentional oppress what they in reality thinks, because of the fear of being scolded by the majority. Maybe we should leave the utopia that everyone has “freedom of speech” and the idea of Denmark as a manifold society. Instead we should realise that “Danish values” and “democracy” has become the elements of a new religion. The nationalistic imagination of the Dane, who sees religion as a private thing and which shall be abolished when religious people attempts to become accepted as the human being they are by actually share their scopes of opinions. Maybe it’s time to realise that when you fight for freedom of speech, it is naturally that manifold of opinions and religious worldviews radically different than the view of the world that does not necessarily fits with the majority’s image.

Because in the end one question is left: Is it really that bad to have be radically different worldview than most Danes? If a minority of the Danish citizens does not support war, violence, destruction and antidemocratic actions, but still have a worldview radically different from what seems to be the norm, why should this be suppressed? They aren’t doing anything to us. Because we do live in a free country, right?



This is my very first every day tales on my very own blog! Yibiii yay! #noregrets #Iloveblogging

I’ve found that the very essens of a perfect mother-daughter relationship lies within mastering the “manipulation”-category. For instance, when daughter gives ideas as to what mother should read next well-knowing that these very books soon will be on the daughters own shelves, because mother elsewise would throw the books in the bin. Instead daughter will give them a new, happy home. #nevertooold #noregrets #thankyoumom

If a timemachine ever was invented I would go back in time and tell young Kat Marly that she should spend more time enjoying the careless life of a child and not strive so eagerly to become an adult. #beinganadultmakesyoubiteyournailsinnervousity #theadultlifeequalsresponsibility #Iamnotreadyyet #progressisnotfunny
