Jeg er en serie-junkie. Det er en indrømmelse jeg gerne foretager. Jeg er lige nu oppe på at have set / følge med i 29 serier. Mindst. For i min verden skal der virkelig ikke meget til, før jeg ser det. Giv mig håb om en fremtid, pir min nysgerrighed, et godt plot og en lovlig adgang til at se den, og jeg vil følge den som en hund efter en godbid. Normalt ville jeg også sige, at en rigtig god serie skal kunne give mig lyst til at se det hele på en gang. Men ikke denne gang. For mig er det en velsignelse i forklædning, for det har jeg faktisk ikke rigtig tid til.

‘Orphan Black’ er mit nye tidsfordrib. En serie hvor intet syntes at være umuligt. Det er ikke ligesom Game of Thrones, hvor man ikke kan regne med at nogen af de gode forbliver i live. GoT er ikke lige min kop the. Desuden bryder den med en af mine hovedregler for en god serie, men nok om det. Fokuser.

Serien følger Sarah Manning. En ung kvinde der kæmper for at få tilværelsen til at lykkes og hendes datter tilbage. Da hun i bogstaveligste forstand løber ind i muligheden for at skabe det liv for hende og hendes familie, hun altid har ønsket, skal der ikke meget til for hende ikke at gribe muligheden. Naivt tror hun det blot er et sidste lille trick, men identitetstyveriet skal vise sig at være det mindste af hendes problemer og det kommer kun til at være begyndelsen på det vildeste eventyr for Sarah, hendes familie og os.

Serien er helt eminent god. Den har drama, lidt forskelligt øjenguf – alt efter hvad man er til, og sjove, skæve karakterer spillet af den samme dygtige skuespiller: Tatiana Maslany. Tro mig. Hun er dygtig! Serien har et dybt, forstyrrende, action plaget plot med en blanding af historielinjer der kan synes helt ved siden af. Men det er det der gør den spændende. Den narko-, alkoholiske fodboldmor Alison. Den virkelig kloge Cosima. Sindsyge Rachel. Og min absolut yndlings: ukrainske Helena som bare gerne vil være sammen med sine sestras.

Se den. Den er god. Men hold en pause i ny og næ. For den kan være dyster og den rykker ved nogle vilde forestillingsevner af menneskets kunnen.


SPOILER ALERT! I am probably, without knowing it going to reveal some pretty essential stuff on the Big Bang Theory, because that’s what I usually do. So, if you don’t want to know, don’t read along.

The Big Bang Theory is a personal favourite. The first couple of seasons made me laugh in extreme measures. A roomie of mine found me in my room laughing in the middle of the night … alone …

I love Sheldon’s complete lack of sympathy and empathy, and especially the first episodes of his relationship with Amy; to some extent the female version of Sheldon. I love how the other three brainiacs keeps being friends with intolerable Sheldon and Leonard’s hopeless and sometimes desperate crush on the girl next door.

The last couple of seasons have not reached the prime and magic of the first 5 seasons had, though. Marriage and so forth have made them all a bit dull and boring – or more specifically; normal. I find the Sheldon and the Amy transformation a bit boring. And the relationship between Leonard and unreachable Penny have made me yarn more than a couple of times. They all have at some point settled, which in one way is sweat and nice but when it comes to the entertaining part I am kinda bored.

Despite this, I still watch the show. Despite the boring twists, the show have become a part of life for me. Who doesn’t want to know what the future holds for all of them. All in all, it is a show one falls in love with and keeps watching to the very end – even though the hard, from the heart laughter rarely emerges these days.


Another one for the ever growing list of series to follow. 

Mr Robot er meget fremme for tiden. Den har været igennem Emmy’erne, blevet anbefalet i dvs medier og jeg har også modtaget en del personlige anbefalinger forskellige steder fra. Men ærlig talt var det ikke kærlighed ved første blik. Mere tvungen kendskab efter endnu en anbefaling fra en vens ven. Dog, som så mange andre serier jeg er faldet for, har den understreget vigtigheden af ikke at dømme en serie ved dets introducerende billede. Jeg troede, bare ved at se på billedet, at det handlede om en robot-menneskelignende gut’s vej igennem samfundet. Jeg blev træt bare ved tanken, for der har ærlig talt været mange film om lige præcis det emne. Mødet med denne serie blev derfor en overraskelse, da serien fik lov til at udfolde dets komplekse og interesserende plot og dets fængslende cast.

Serien handler om en gut, der på trods af sociale og psykiske problemer, forsøger at leve en så normal tilværelse som mulig. Hans utroligt skarpe intelligens og tendens til at bruge denne til at udpege bukkene fra fårene (så at sige), får ham i problemer, hvilket bliver hovedhistorien for denne serie. Han bliver en del af hacker-gruppen “fSociety” som forsøger at slå ned på den lille elite af mænd og kvinder der styrer verdensøkonomien.

Til trods for illustreringen af en rå tilværelse på stoffer og i kanten af samfundet, har den overraskende få nøgenscener, hvilket på mig virker som et team der fuldt ud tror på plottet og historien af serien. – Et kæmpe plus i min bog for det alene. Derudover er jeg fængslet af plottet og castet af skuespillere. Plottet får mig til hele tiden at tvivle på om alle de mennesker hovedpersonen lige pludselig er omringet af foregår udelukkende i hovedpersonens skizofrene hoved eller om det er den sande verden han befinder sig i. Denne serie har potentiale for de helt store plot-twist, og jeg bliver slemt skuffet, hvis den ikke udnytter dette potentiale for fremtiden.

Indtil videre, ved første indtryk får serien 5 ud af 6 robotter fra mig: For 100 procent satsning på plottet, dets cast og måden hvorpå de fremviser historien.


Honestly, not love at first sight. More a forced intervention after a recommendation from a friends friend. However, this TV-show have proven to me once again that you should really not judge a TV-series by it’s introduction pictures. I thought this series was about some dude being a robot and finding his way in the world. I got tired by just thinking about it, because honestly, there has been too many films about this subject. Thus, the encounter surprised me greatly with a complex and interesting plot, and an intriguing cast. It is definitely going on my ever growing list of series to follow.

The series is about the main character, who is socially troubled, however, amazingly intelligent and how he is trying to live and how to exists in a world with extroverts with amazing social skills. He encounters a group of people called “fSociety” and becomes a part of their plans to hack the leaders of the world economy.

Despite its rough nature and characteristics of troubled existence, it does not find it necessary to image a lot of nudity. A major plus in my book. Furthermore, I am highly intrigued by the plot and it makes me wonder throughout the entire show – what parts of the series will eventually be revealed as figures of his (the main characters) imagination. This show has the possibility for a major plot-twist and I am looking forward to see it happening. Honestly, that is also the minus. Because if it eventually does not reveal some sort of plot twist – I will be disappointed and it will possibly be the end of my enthusiasm for the series.

This show gets – until so far – 5 out of 6 stars: For its plot, its cast and the way they display the story.


At this moment on Sidereel, I follow 21 series. So, I guess it’s safe to say that I looove series and this time I will review BBC’s series The Musketeers.

It is the same classic story almost a hundred of movies have, more or less successfully tried to capture. The four cocky gentlemen that makes dangerously beautiful sword fighting seem so easy and careless. The very reason that so many movies have tried to capture this story before this series, made me avoid the show completely for quite some time. However, a boring afternoon, where all the usual series didn’t seem to amuse me, I did try it, and two seasons after I am still hooked.

the first season was amazingly caching and I came to like the characters a lot. I am a hugh Peter Capaldi fan and seeing him being a character you come to despise and hate, reveals his major talent beyond that of playing Doctor Who. The second season almost gave me an ulcer. Oh, how I love and hate those stories that makes you want to use all night to watch all ten episode to know if the ongoing hopelessness will turn in favour of the good guys. And I admit, I did watch the finale episode after watching only the first two episodes. The bad guy in the second season was so convincingly bad, that I, in order to stay sane, needed some hope to hang on to. All in all a good show.

However, to some point I do wonder how it came to be that I wooded for the guys who was committing adultery and kills of characters just in order to make an impossible relationship possible. It is just fiction, but after two season I think it will be a necessary break for my nerves and my moral values.

All in all I will give the show 4,5 star. It is really good, but not the show I would race home to see. It do become monotonous, which I guess is just a sign of me having watched the show too quickly. But, I do highly recommend the show.

The two first seasons are on Netflix and episodes from the third season are already on aired in Canada.



I am still going through the first season – but I kinda already have a pretty clear image of what I think of this series.

The plot is actually quite fascinating. A woman travels through time from 1945 to 1743. The series then follows this alien woman in an, to her, alien time, as she is struggling to find her way back to her own timeline. Quite intriguing plot – at first. Because after 10 episodes, I must admit that I kind of had to mute it quite a few times and quickly go to the kitchen for any excuse at all. 

As I have never actually read the books, upon which the series are based, I do not know whether or not my following statements have some explanation other than the series trying to picture a rough time. However, when I see episodes from a series where sex and nakedness are essentials in almost every episode I can’t help but wonder if there were a bunch of men sitting around a table drooling on the very thought on making a historical, pornographic series – and this is what they was allowed to publish in the end. Truth is that I have come to wonder if the very people transfiguring the books to a series actually believed so little in the project so to find it necessary to show naked women almost all the time. The thought was especially sparked after an entire episode of the two main characters having sex. I get the beauty until a certain point – because truth is that I do not want to spend 55 minutes watching two people trying to have sex. There is corners of the internet one could search out for that very purpose.

It is a shame. Because the plot is amazing! It is thrilling! It is interesting! That alone I would personally have provided 6 out of 6 stars (or in this case: tits, as you may). But because of the makers need to pull a historical version of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ in a series, I end up giving the series 2 out of 6 stars. I find the nakedness demeaning on the female characters and unnecessary. And that alone makes me take away 4 stars.
